Search Result for “New World Order ”

As unbelievable as it sounds, the New World Order is officially in your face and on the web.  In fact, the United Nations now have the official New World Order website up and running.  All of this is according to a plan laid out in a Rockefeller Foundation document from …
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Yes, the new Ministry of Truth, ie. Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube and a host of other self-professed fact checkers are at it again.  This time they are shutting down a video in which Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot pledged support for the New World Order.  Facebook and the Associated Press deemed …
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Your child is a commodity to fit into the New World Order and you are agreeing to the insult. Time will tell as I grieve for their freedom and the future of my country. Will the U.N. succeed while our country slumbers? Will no American parent claim their rights? Will churches watch as the hearts and souls of our children are devoured by the metallic beast? There’s a hush all over the world.
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Leftists ultimately don’t want more liberty and freedom. Instead, they want a world that they can “transform” into their own image. They want a world where free speech is highly censored on the Internet, where your money is taken and “redistributed” to someone else, and where even the smallest details of your daily life are micromanaged “for the good of humanity.”
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Do you love liberty and freedom? If you ask that question to people randomly on the street, you are going to get the same answer over and over again. Everyone wants liberty and freedom, but what they don’t understand is that there is an inverse relationship between the size of …
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A new micro-documentary from SGT Report exposes the New World Order and its modern day figureheads. Would you have the courage it would take to look the New World Order in the face – the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bushes, the Clintons – and tell them exactly what you think of them? …
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Slowly, over time, but much less subtle today than even a year or two ago, the Internet is being “weaponized.”
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John Kerry addressed graduates from Northeastern University on Friday at a commencement speech and preached his New World Order agenda, telling the young people to prepare for a “borderless world.”
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If Donald Trump‘s 2016 run for President has done anything, it has awakened many people in America to the fact that the free country they thought they lived in is really a socialist dictatorship. Today, our government in Washington is made up of only one political socialist establishment that masquerades …
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Did you know that the UN is planning to launch a “new universal agenda” for humanity in September 2015? That phrase does not come from me – it is actually right in the very first paragraph of the official document that every UN member nation will formally approve at a …
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