Search Result for “bowe bergdahl”

Former Military Lawyers: Chelsea Manning Subject To Prosecution For Running For Office
Chelsea Manning has filed to run for Senate as a Democratic candidate in Maryland, but such a run subjects Manning to prosecution for violating Pentagon regulations on political activities, according to former military lawyers. Manning, the transgender soldier who spent seven years in prison for leaking more than 700,000 sensitive documents …

WSJ White House Reporter Rips Trump For Not Calling For Death Penalty For Vegas Shooter Who Was Already Dead!
Wall Street Journal reporter, Eli Stokols, blasted President Donald Trump after this week’s latest Islamic jihad attack in New York, but it was surreal when he spoke of Trump’s calling for the death penalty and Stokols said that Trump didn’t do such a thing when alleged Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock …

Maxine Waters Gets Busted for Her Russian Investments
Prior to the 2016 election, there has always been a double standard in this country when it comes to liberals and/or the mainstream media, but in recent weeks the double standard has been coming awful close to reaching a degree of such lunacy, that there will be no coming back …

Obama Commuted This Drug Dealer’s Sentence Before He Left Office – He’s Now Facing 40 Years!
Throughout his eight years in office, Barack Obama made a number of important decisions that that flew in the face of conventional American wisdom, including his handling of Bradley Manning, now known as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning post sex change, who was convicted on various violations of the Espionage Act, and …

What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump
The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration policy of limiting Muslim immigration into the U.S. But not …

3 Years Ago Today, Rolling Stone’s Editor “Conveniently” Died in Fiery Crash While Investigating CIA
Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project. Notorious for ending the career of a four-star general, Rolling Stone contributing editor Michael Hastings suspiciously died in a fiery explosion three years ago on the streets of Los Angeles. Although the FBI eventually admitted to investigating his work while CIA Director …

Just 24 Hours after Being Federally Indicted, Big Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon was Killed in a Single Car Crash
Just 24 hours after being indicted on federal antitrust charges, former chief executive of Chesapeake Energy Corporation Aubrey McClendon was killed in a fiery single car crash on Wednesday. McClendon, 56, was indicted on Tuesday. He was accused of conspiring to violate federal antitrust law by “rigging bids to buy …

What Defines A Veteran? – This Veteran Wants You to Meet Connie Foust
By whatever criteria one wishes to apply, Connie Foust is truly and uniquely qualified to carry the title of “Veteran.”

Left Wing Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Exposes Obama As a Traitor but Is Afraid to Use That Word
Here is an interview with Seymour Hersh: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin B17 & Get 10% Off With Promo Code TIM How To Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation – Use promo code TIM to …

1,180 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
Editor’s Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. He began with 252 examples, then quickly grew to 504 and later to 694. In November 2014, he added more than 200 more examples of the usurper-in-chief’s unlawful acts. By May, that number …