Search Result for “confederate flag”

I Wonder if Anti-Confederate Liberals will want to dispose of this Historic Find
In the wake of the murder of Christians in Charleston, South Carolina, Marxist liberal fascists sought to remove the Confederate flag from everything from the Amazon marketplace to the Dukes of Hazard’s General Lee, even going so far as to start digging up dead Confederate Generals, calling for the sandblasting …

NAACP Calls for Removal of Confederate Generals from Stone Mountain
The attack on the South is orchestrated and contrived. There is no way that businesses like Amazon, to elected officials to open Marxists and racists such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (They aren’t for the advancement of anyone but Blacks) could be doing what they …

Illinois: Hamas-Linked CAIR To Give “Sensitivity Training” To Library Over Misunderstood “Anti-Islamophobia” Poem
This “poem” was actually lampooning “Islamophobia,” offering a standard Leftist view of what opponents of jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women are really all about: they’re white supremacist rednecks (the Confederate flag) and violent bullies (snatching the hijab).

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech
“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel …

Communist Lawyers Sue To Create A Secessionist Monarchy In Hawaii
Secessionism is in the political eye of the beholder. Propose the restoration of the Republic of Texas and you’re a dangerous secessionist, but open fire on Congress in the name of Puerto Rico’s independence and you’re a hero of social justice. Then there’s Hawaiian secessionism. The restoration of the Hawaiian …

CNN Is Dying & Them Comparing Joe Rogan To January 6 Proves It
It’s getting rather tiresome hearing about Joe Rogan in the mainstream press. The man’s podcast is a massive benefit to humanity and his guests and his long-form style only help to lessen ignorance. That is all. It should be a non-issue. But the mainstream media, especially the folks at CNN, …

A Deeper Dive Into The Origins Of Critical Race Theory
MSN news ran a story describing what Critical Race Theory is and why conservatives should not worry that it is being taught in public schools and universities across the nation. While their initial commentary is correct, CRT is a legal theory derived from the 1970s to examine the so-called failures of …

FBI Targeting Law Enforcement Officers Dubbed White Supremacists For Purge As They Follow Tyrannical Orders
It appears the Communist Chinese Party puppet Biden regime is coming after anyone who is in opposition to its ideology, plans, and actions. From military purges of constitutionalists/conservatives to ordinary citizens who espouse support for the Constitution and a reformation to founding and religious principles, the CCP Biden regime is …

No Matter Who Wins Up Winning The Election, We Owe It To Our Posterity To Expose & Prosecute Any & All Criminal Activity
It is put up or shut up time. More than two weeks have passed since November 3rd, and the Trump legal team only has a very limited amount of time left to stop Joe Biden from being elected president. The Electoral College votes on December 14th, but the real deadline …

Which Side Committed Treason in the ‘Civil War’?
The two people in America who seem to suffer the most from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are Mr. Kellyanne Conway (a.k.a. George) and “Republican strategist” Rick Wilson, two old GOP political hacks who apparently lost their lucrative gigs with the party when Donald Trump was elected. They, along with a …