Search Result for “nancy pelosi”

A Family Affair: Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Paul Pelosi Jr., Now Center Of Ukraine Controversy
Hunter Biden move over. Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy. Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017. BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at …

Flashback – Doug Vogt: Nancy Pelosi Will Hang for Her Role In “Worst Crime In American History” – Obama’s Ineligibility
Originally published May 15, 2015, this article should be put forth if representatives had the guts to do what is right and deal with criminal and the usurper, Obama. Doug Vogt recently did a short interview with Honest American News involving the contents of his recently unsealed affidavit. Among other bombshells Doug dropped …

Bombshell: Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff Connected to Ukrainian Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak
It seems like Democrats are racing against the clock to impeach Trump over a nothing burger in Ukraine. They seem fully willing to sacrifice Joe Biden to do it. Why would they do that? Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your …

Hypocrite! Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Blasts Socialism
Editor’s Note: Pelosi’s mom got all behind and help push through Obamacare, which is the very thing she is blasting here, but she didn’t say a word then. This is nothing more than political theater to make it appear the vast majority of Democrats, who all voted for Obamacare, are …

Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Signals Epstein Pedophile Bust: “Quite Likely That Some Of Our Faves Are Implicated”
When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s own daughter signals that some very important people could be implicated in the recent arrest of Jeffrey Epstein, people should take note of that. “This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our …

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: What’s The Point Of Enforcing Immigration Law?
I must say that the fact that a person who is Speaker of the House of Representatives is shrugging off enforcement of the law and asking “what is the point?” would be funny if not so serious. Not only does it demonstrate that Nancy Pelosi and those like her don’t …

Nancy Pelosi: “I Don’t Want To See Him Impeached. I Want To See Him In Prison.”
Editor’s Note: Oh, Nancy, American wants to see you and your ilk all swinging from a rope after a real trial that exposes the guilt of your treason against the people. You can almost feel sorry for Speaker Pelosi. She put in so much effort, scrounged for so much cash, …

Nancy Pelosi: That Drunk Video Of Me Just Proves That Facebook Enabled Russia
Once again, the Dem elite demonstrate that their false claims of a Russian conspiracy are a lever for silencing political dissent and shutting down any speech they don’t like. Slowed down videos of public figures have been around nearly as long as online video. There are countless videos like that …

Nancy Pelosi Attempts Explanation of How Russians Got Trump Elected – Fails Miserably
The Democrat leadership is old and confused.

Pubescent Voting Bloc: Nancy Pelosi, ‘We’re Collecting Thoughts About’ Lowering The Voting Age
The infantilization of millennials is a hallmark of the Democrat party. President Obama went so far as to keep “children” on their parents’ healthcare until the ripe old age of 26. But mob rule needs morons and the party of treason can rely on the enemedia to advance their totalitarian agenda.