Search Result for “riots in Ferguson ”

Becoming A US National: Triumphing Over The US Feudal System (Video)
This is the second in a two part series on becoming a US National. In our first interview, Roger Sayles gave us an overview of how we have become enslaved in this country and instead of being able to exercise our God-given rights protected in the Constitution, we have been …

Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in …

Not Just Jefferson: Now James Madison’s Home Gets an Anti-American Makeover
It’s clear now: the Left has embarked upon a concerted effort to rewrite American history and make Americans ashamed of our heritage at the very sites where it should be most celebrated. Last Sunday I reported that Thomas Jefferson’s home has been taken over by Leftist America-haters, and they didn’t stop there: …

Biden’s Annual Economic Report: “Gender” Used 40 More Times Than The Word “Inflation”
I think that the phrase “out of touch with reality” doesn’t even come close to describing what we are witnessing here. We all knew that the Biden administration was completely out of touch with what is going on in Real America, but it appears that things are even worse than …

Bar Owner Gets 90 Days In Jail For Opening During Lockdown To Survive – Government Employees Kept Getting Paychecks (Video)
The injustices are mounting and so is God’s judgment in the midst of them. In fact, the injustices are a very part of His judgment in turning men over to their sin (Romans 1:18ff), which is transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Hence the story of how government employees …

Exposing the Past Hoax & Future Threat of BLM
In the spring of last year, a nation already staggering under the burden of lockdowns and shutdowns suddenly faced a shocking wave of violence as Black Lives Matter riots destroyed businesses, brutalized law enforcement and random bystanders. The violence was swiftly backed by corporate endorsements of the racist movement and …

NYC Democrat Mayor De Blasio Plans To Give $1,000 Of Your Money To Violent Criminals
Legal plunder by government criminals. We the people have no representation. You don’t have to be a clairvoyant to see where this is going. De Blasio’s plan to give a grand a month to violent offenders is insane By: NY Post, August 16, 2021: In July 2020, following the George Floyd riots, …

Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive?
Of course you’ve heard the name “George Soros,” often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it’s likely that you have some vague notion of why you think he’s a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype. …

“This Is Martial Law” – US Soldiers Force Women From Car At Gunpoint For Pumping Gas Past Curfew (Video)
Minneapolis, MN — On April 11, 2021, just miles from where George Floyd took his last breaths on Earth as they were squeezed from his body by officer Derek Chauvin, Daunte Wright was targeted by police over an alleged expired tag. Because the American police state is a violent behemoth …

Why Couldn’t Congress’ Private Police Force Of 2,000 Protect It From A Mob Of Hundreds?
The Capitol Police have over 2,000 sworn officers. A police force dedicated to protecting Capitol Hill has more personnel in its service than the police forces of most of the country. Congress’ private cops are the 19th largest police force in the country. It’s a larger force than the police …