Shock Report: The Terrorists Are Here: Border Patrol Confirms They’ve Been Smuggled In Through Mexico
A smuggling network has managed to sneak illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern terrorism hotbeds straight to the doorstep of the U.S., including helping one Afghan who authorities say was part of an attack plot in North America.

Evil ISIS Executioner Who Beheaded Dozens Of Men And Famously Dismembered Children Has Been CAPTURED By The Syrian Army
“The bulldozer,” at nearly 300 pounds and wielding a 3-foot long sword as his method of torture, was ISIS’s most feared executioner, beheading dozens of men and dismembering children accused of crimes by the ISIS terrorists, has been captured by the Syrian Army.

Worst Jobs Report In Nearly 6 Years – 102 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have Jobs
On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the U.S. economy only added 38,000 jobs in May. This was way below the 158,000 jobs that analysts were projecting, and it is also way below what is needed just to keep up with population growth.

Qatar Gives $100,000 to Texas School to Push Arabic Language and Islam
A Texas public school is accepting funding from one of the most infamous and pernicious sponsors of Islamic jihad terror: Qatar.

Guess How Many of the 8 “Coward Proven” Goals Have Already Been Accomplished in America?
The Cloward-Piven Strategy (known as “Coward Proven”) is alive and well in America today.
Hillary Has Buried Documents for Decades: “First Lady’s Fingerprints Found on Missing Files”
There were missing documents during Travelgate and Whitewater scandals, and Hillary was investigated and fingerprinted at the time, after some of the previously missing files were found with Hillary’s fingerprints on them.

Obama Invokes Scripture to Justify Deviant Bathroom Policy
It’s been clear for a long time that Barack Obama is no Christian. Most bets are that he is a mix of Marxist ideology and Islamic ideology, but he is not true American nor Christian.

Gender Identity Indoctrination Coming to Kindergartners in Washington State
The State of Washington to indoctrinate children as young as kindergartners that gender identity is a “social construct.”

Fascist California Seeks to Outlaw Global Warming Skeptics… and Their Guns
The hippies who used to advocate for more “freedom” are now the very same people clawing and scraping to unburden you from your liberty.

Police Moving to Prosecute German Citizens Who Stopped Rampaging Muslim Refugee
While buying a phone card, a Muslim “refugee” gets into an argument with the clerk and almost immediately flies into a violent rampage. Thankfully, there were three German men nearby who were able to stop him. Now, they are going to be prosecuted.