It appears that the president’s programming has broken down, as he was rendered unable to articulate the reasons that Donald Trump was such a dangerous candidate in the face of the “continued progress” that Hillary Clinton represents.

I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.

A New York City man could be facing a manslaughter charge for defending his wife against a would-be rapist who had 19 prior arrests.

Half the country is flat broke, and things get even more precarious for working families with each passing day.

Assuming the tyranny of a Trump presidency, Beck’s guest Brad Thor’s comments can be interpreted as a call to action for a “patriot” to “step up” and remove Trump from office

It is not only important to be armed; it is even more important to understand the moral and spiritual underpinnings of WHY we should be armed.

Andy Hallinan, on a video at the Florida Gun Supply YouTube channel, is offering shooting targets featuring Sanders, Clinton and Hussein Soetoro.