Thousands of “Rolling Thunder” Bikers Roar Through Capital to Honor American POWs & Those Killed in Service
Thousands of Rolling Thunder bikers who rode through the streets of Washington DC to honor America’s POWs and remember those who were killed in serving their country as part of Memorial Day 2016 activities.

Texas Cop Attacked by Islamist after Threatening Woman with Knife (Video)
In Texas, an Islamist threatened a woman with a knife before attacking a police officer with the Arlington Police Department.

Senator Tom Cotton: Harry Reid is a “Bitter,” “Vulgar,” and “Sad” Man… and “Cancerous” to the US Senate
Republican Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) stood to excoriate Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) for being a “bitter,” “vulgar,” and “sad” man.

Illegal Alien Defrauded Americans for Tens of Thousands of Dollars Posing as US Veteran
An illegal alien man, who had been receiving VA benefits, along with Social Security and other federal, state and local sources, defrauded the government by using the identity of a a US veteran who died.

Clinton Cooked: Report on Email Scandal Worse Than Initially Expected (Video)
Even though this specific report has no “official” legal ramifications, it very likely provides a small window for the general public to gain some idea as to the nightmare the FBI is dealing with, and that doesn’t look very good for Mrs. Clinton moving forward.

Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima Smoothed Over Japanese War Crimes of WWII
Mr. Obama, who claims to be a lawyer and devotee of international law, may be interested to know that every single one of the 3,581 casualties at Pearl Harbor (according to the National WWII Museum tally) were considered non-combatants, including the 2,403 military personnel who were killed, because Japan did not declare war before the attack.

Facebook Page Promotes Sexual Benefits of Islamic Female Genital Mutilation
A Facebook community called “Islamic Female Circumcision” was launched earlier this month with the stated goal of clarifying “misconceptions” around the Muslim faith’s practice of female genital mutilation or FGM.

Another Real Estate Crash Is Coming – Legendary Market Timer Unloads His Positions: “They’ve Sold Deferred Reality For So Long…”
Sam Zell noted that zero interest rate policies are removing the risk of borrowing, making it easy for big banks and finance companies to keep pushing supply onto the market.

Moderate Republicans Furious After This Congressman Read a Bible Verse During GOP Conference
A Christian cannot support ungodly legislation. We are not segmented people. We cannot be Christians at home and Church and be humanist on our job. This is true even if you are a politician.
IRS Uses Backdoor Legal Loophole to Further Enslave Americans
It’s easy to see that the National Government is every bit a predator as the banks were in taking advantage of people’s lack of financial savvy.