Sex Slaves Made to Engage 30 Times Per Day – No It’s not the Islamic State, It’s in Georgia!
We know that Islam and the Islamic State have perpetrated sex trafficking and sex slavery according to the teachings of the Quran. However, there are those in the united States who are engaging in the same despicable acts in the State of Georgia, according to a 14-year-old who escaped from …

Governors Refusing to Take in Muslim Refugees
More and more Governors across the nation are refusing to accept Muslim refugees from the war torn Middle East (particularly Syria), until the federal government can figure out how to fully vet each and every refugee that enters their state. Nathan Deal of Georgia: “In light of the terror attacks …

Obama: I’ll Give “Sustained Attention” to Gun Control My Last Year in Office
As promised, Hussein Obama has come out and declared that he will have “sustained attention” to gun control in his last year in office. In a November 17th GQ magazine interview, the Marxist gun grabber said that he would be making it a priority to attack the Second Amendment with …

ADC & CAIR Chastise American Governors for Refusing Syrian Refugees – We Respond!
I don’t know about you America; but, I have had just about enough of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American-Arab-Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), and all other Islamic propaganda, proselytizing, criminal groups, agencies and councils. Hussein Obama has “decreed” that 100,000 Syrian Muslims and Muslims from everywhere will be admitted …

Obama: The Number of Refugees from Syria and Elsewhere Will be Increased ‘to 100,000 Per Year’
The number “10,000 Syrian refugees” is being thrown around a lot by the mainstream media, but did you know that Barack Obama has actually publicly declared that the U.S. is going to take in 100,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere for each of the next two years? That is an …

Muslims Praise the Paris Jihadists as MARTYRS during Moment of Silence at Turkish and Greece Soccer Game
Before today’s Greece vs. Turkey friendly soccer match in Istanbul, both teams shared a moment of silence to honor the victims of the Paris attacks. UEFA, Europe’s governing soccer body, requested that all European international games hold a minute of silence before the start of their matches and wear black …

Can the States Reject Syrian Refugees?
There has always been a great fear among Americans that the Muslims coming into our country might have terrorist ties. Who knows what they might think or what their motive might be for coming to America. This has not been at any time more acutely felt since 9/11 as it …

Obama’s Version of America Is the ‘Shameful’ One
Barack Obama implied Monday that opponents of his mad scheme to fill this country with Syrian refugees (including an untold number of active Islamic jihadists) were motivated by religious prejudice. Obama said: And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the …

Government of Poland Defies European Union – Refuses to Take in Islamic Refugees
Poland is rebelling against the EU and declaring that it will not take in any of the Islamic refugees. According to one report: Poland’s government announced today that in the wake of the attacks on Paris, it will no longer participate in the EU’s resettlement plan for the thousands of …

Russia’s New ‘Nuclear Torpedo’ Can Create Giant Tsunamis And Wipe Out Entire Coastal Cities
While the eyes of the world are on ISIS, Russia is creating weapons unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Plans for a giant self-propelled nuclear torpedo that can create a giant tsunami more than 1,000 feet tall were recently “leaked by mistake” by the Russian media. Apparently the …