The Pope’s Speech in Congress Not Based on Christianity but Political Ideology
Without any regret whatsoever, I confess that I did not watch the Pope’s address to Congress. There is a good reason for it. During talking head newscasts and clips of Congressional workings replayed on the TV and internet, I end up talking, more like shouting, at the idiots on the …
As Obama Allows Muslims Invaders, He Denies US Visas to Persecuted Christians
There can be no doubt that Barack Hussein Obama is complicit in the genocide of Middle East Christians that is ongoing under the Islamic State. While he is flooding the united States with unvetted Muslim invaders to the tune of hundreds of thousands, Obama is denying visas in the united …
Ground Zero Mosque Officially Defeated!
We did it! We the people. President Obama pushed for it, then-Mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg supported it, the media actively campaigned for it — the elites in their increasingly fragile ivory towers stumped for the mosque. But the people stood up and fought it and won. Hey Obama, YES. …
Markets Queasy After Sick Janet Yellen Ends Live Speech: “Initial Reaction Was A Dive in Stocks”
It might be taken as a bad omen for the economy. Perhaps, it was the sign of a sick market. Then again, the Federal Reserve is not too obvious with its hints about future policy and its effects on policy. Nonetheless, during a speech where many were watching for news …
Final Betrayal – Did Boehner Cut Deal to Continue Funding Planned Parenthood?
Most conservatives have known for years that Boehner was not a true conservative, but a true politician. He has shown us signs that this was the case. He always put on a brave face, but caved when it became politically expedient to do so. He has repeatedly abandoned his stated …
New Report Raises Even More Questions About Hillary Clinton’s Corruption
A new story just released in Politico details a juicy new twist to the Hillary Clinton ‘pay for play’ corruption story. One of the questions that has been in play since the beginning of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal problems has had to do with all of the money that the …
Black Student Threatens to Rape White Teacher – You will be Outraged at the School’s Response
I must say that I am appalled that American Christians, and for that matter any parents, drop off their children at the public indoctrination centers call public schools. In fact, I’m amazed that Christian husbands want their wives to work in the belly of the beast to indoctrinate children and …
While Your Attention was Focused on the Pope, Obama Did This
While the US Congress welcomed the socialist Pope Francis to speak before them, the Obama administration was quietly betraying the American people (again) and acting treasonously against the US Constitution. Mad World News reports: The Pope has been rubbing elbows with American leaders, schmoozing with Washington’s elite, and espousing traditionally liberal …
France’s Marine Le Pen: EU’s Muslim Invasion is Comparable to “Barbarian Invasion of Rome”
France’s presidential frontrunner, Marine Le Pen of the anti-Islam Front National party and champion of protecting Christianity in France, slams the EU for creating a trumped-up Syrian refugee crisis, which is NOT Syrian and NOT refugee-centered, but rather a sinister move by EU elites to “brown” the continent (white genocide) …
Senate Democrats Block Bill Protecting Late-Term Unborn from Murder, No Statement from DWS
Remember this statement from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in response to Jeb Bush’s statements that the federal government had no role in gun control? “In claiming that there is no role for the federal government in regulating gun safety, Jeb Bush is insisting that Americans simply must accept future violence and leave …