Benghazi Hearing Bombshells Drop During Clinton Testimony
A couple of very interesting moments occurred today when Hillary Clinton appeared before the Benghazi committee. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) opened things up with an epic rant, excoriating anyone and everyone who has ever suggested the Benghazi hearings were about Hillary Clinton. “Madame Secretary, I understand some people — frankly …

Two Dogs in the Ring!
Two dogs in the ring, it’s a fight to the death, which one is going to win? I can tell you, the one that you feed the most! –Bradlee Dean Just this week, I was sitting with an individual as he said that there seems to be a lot of …

Benghazi Hearings Got a Little Awkward When This Congresswoman Showed Hillary These Two Piles of Emails
Surely there are going to be many clips of Thursday’s Benghazi hearings. Among them will more than likely be this clip in which Representative Susan Brooks (R-IN) produced two piles of emails that made for a very awkward moment for the former Secretary of State. Rep. Brooks produced two piles …

Why Would Anyone Consider Henry Kissinger the Voice of Reason on Syria?
You know things are pretty far gone when one of the most notorious warmongerers is the voice of restraint in Syria. War criminal Henry Kissinger, who has been involved in escalating numerous crises in other countries for decades now, is actually managing to sound like the voice of rational thought …

Terrified White Students Barricade Themselves in Classroom as Hundreds of Black Activists Demand “Get Out or Will Kill You”
The nonsensical propaganda that blacks cannot be racists should be clear to anyone. People of a variety of ethnicities can be racists. However, a recent video that was captured by a student in South Africa demonstrates that there are out of control blacks there just as we have seen here …

Trey Gowdy Actually Expects the Truth from Known Liar Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
Hillary Clinton has been at the center of controversy over why Benghazi happened and she has utterly failed in being forthcoming to the American people via their representatives in Congress. From her “failure to recall” to lies regarding her infamous email scandal to the promotion of a fictitious YouTube video …

Principal Demonstrates Diversity is not about Tolerance, but about Nullification of White People
As we grew up, we found that it was only when others pointed it out that there were any differences with people. Some of us might have more pigment than others, others might have a different texture of hair. But all in all, we all had the same likes and …

Could Mass Immigration be Key to Destroy the Second Amendment?
UCLA professor Adam Winkler recently wrote a gloating article for the Washington Post, wherein he celebrated the fact that the demographic trends of America are working against gun rights. He makes a pretty strong argument too, since pretty much every minority ethnic group in this country seems to support stricter …

Who Exactly Are The Real Terrorists?
For seven consecutive presidential administrations (since Bush, Sr. invaded Kuwait–2016 will make it 28 years), the American people have been told that they are at war with terrorists. Republican and Democrat administrations and congresses alike have built America’s entire foreign policy around this hypothesis. Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been …

Yes, Mosques can be Closed & It’s Constitutional!
Donald Trump was interviewed this week by Stuart Varney of Fox News about how he would deal with the threat of Islam. Varney asked Trump about plans being considered in the UK to deal with the growing menace of the radical religion of Muhammad. Two of the ideas: seizing the …