What did our Framers really say we must do when the federal government usurps power? They never said, “When the federal government ignores the Constitution, amend the Constitution.” They never said, “File a lawsuit and let federal judges decide.” Instead, they advised two manly remedies. We’ll look at one of …

During April 2015, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Obergefell v Hodges and consolidated cases. The questions presented for the Court to decide are: 1 Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a State to license a marriage of two people of the same sex? Does the Fourteenth Amendment require …

We will never solve our political and fiscal problems if we continue in our present state of ignorance of the fundamental distinction between the federal Constitution and the State Constitutions. With our federal Constitution, we created a national government to which we delegated only a handful of enumerated powers. If …

Talk of impeachment has been going on now for close to five years since Barack Hussein Obama usurped the office of President of the United States. Yet, with all the talk that was stirred up, even the passing out of Aaron Klein’s “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama …

Newly released documents, obtained by Judicial Watch, show how the Obama Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation discussed “several possible theories to bring criminal charges under FEC law” against tax exempt nonprofit organizations. Via a Freedom of Information Act Request, Judicial Watch obtained several …

If the U.S. Senate ratifies the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, will it become part of the supreme Law of the Land?   If the Senate ratifies the “cap and trade” climate change treaty, will that become part of the supreme Law of the Land? We hear it …

1. With the U.S. Constitution, We The People created the federal government. It is our “creature”, and has no powers other than those We delegated to it in Our Constitution. Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language (1828), says re “constitution”: “…In free states, the constitution is paramount to the …

In a scandal bigger than Benghazi, in which 30 Americans lost their lives, including 17 Navy SEALs from SEAL Team Six, the shoot-down of Extortion 17 continues to be masked by cover up. One of the most bizarre indications that a cover up is going on concerning Extortion 17 is …

Will Your wonders be made known in the darkness? And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? Psalm 88:12 Amid Islamic terror threats, military exercises on American streets, a ringer in the White House, a legislating Supreme Court, a spineless Congress and a host of other lawlessness that is currently …

While we cover a lot of news and political things on our site, a question does come to my mind often, what exactly is “news”? Is it what the state-controlled media outlets want news to be, or is it what is of interest to people that actually impacts their lives? …