Search Result for “Planned Parenthood ”

Bombshell: Undercover Video Proves Planned Parenthood is Breaking the Law
Editor’s Note: Planned Parenthood was breaking the law long before they were selling baby parts with abortifacients and abortions. The worst thing that Planned Parenthood (PP) does, on a daily basis, is murdering innocent children. They do this every single day, without remorse and with exuberance. However, our culture has …

Birds of a Feather… Planned Parenthood & Satanists Join Hands to Promote Murder of the Unborn in Missouri
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a …

Federal Judge Fines Planned Parenthood Investigator David Daleiden $200,000 – Says Nothing About Murder Mill’s Unlawful Actions
In more federal tyranny, a federal judge fined David Daleiden of Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the man behind exposing the unlawful sale of murdered baby’s body parts by Planned Parenthood, and his attorneys $200,000 for what he calls contempt of court for releasing more undercover videos that exposed the lawless …

Planned Parenthood Promotes Gender Dysfunction In Toddlers
If you hadn’t lived through the last few decades and just emerged from a coma, you would think you had somehow entered an alternate reality with all the incredibly ridiculous politically correct agenda, social justice push, and disregard for science and facts prevalent in our society today. From the faux …

Shocking: What Planned Parenthood Wants to Teach Preschoolers about Sex
What should we teach children that are three and four years old about sex? If you said “nothing” in response to that question, that was the right answer.Exposing very young children to graphic material about human sexuality at a very early age can be extremely detrimental, but that is precisely …

Latest Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Exposes Their Disregard For “Law” When Performing Abortions
I put the term “law” in quotes in the title as the murder, dismemberment and often beheading of the most innocent among us is never lawful, and when the lawless, like those who work at Planned Parenthood scoff at pretended law, it should surprise no one. In the latest undercover …

Turning the Tables: Planned Parenthood Undercover Videomaker Files Motion to Disqualify Judge Who Censored Videos
The man behind exposing the ghoulish practice of Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of murdered baby’s body parts has filed a motion that requests a federal judge be disqualified after ordering videos that show abortionists discussing the dismemberment of babies to be removed from the internet. David Daleiden and the Center …

There Are Population Control Centers All Over America – They Are Called ‘Planned Parenthood Clinics’
The phrase “family planning” is just a more palatable way of saying “population control”. In the United States today, Planned Parenthood operates 650 “health centers” that work tirelessly to promote abortion and other “family planning measures”. Planned Parenthood says that approximately 2.5 million people visit their “health centers” each year, …

Collusion? Planned Parenthood Drafted “Video Tape Law” Used to Charge Pro-Life Journalists
Sacramento, CA – A public records request made by Operation Rescue has yielded e-mails and other documents that show a close working relationship between Planned Parenthood and the California Attorney General’s office, especially when it comes to countering pro-life efforts. Planned Parenthood attorneys often sought meetings and conference calls with …

2018 Republican Candidates Must Pledge “No Money for Planned Parenthood Under Any Circumstances”
It is time for conservative voters to draw a line in the sand when it comes to Planned Parenthood. For decades, Republican politicians have been winning conservative votes by labeling themselves Pro-Life, but once they take office many of them don’t do anything to advance the cause. In fact, many …