Search Result for “barack obama”

Barack Obama Warns Americans ‘To Be Prepared For A Disaster’
One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit.

Lessons from Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, and The Founding Fathers
The existence of a socialist elite class that transcends political parties has become painfully evident in recent months.

Barack Obama’s Scorched Earth Policy Must Be Stopped Before Leaving Office
In case you haven’t been paying attention to the news, Barack Hussein Obama is doing everything humanly possible to not just “fundamentally transform” the United States of America…he is virtually destroying it, prior to his leaving office.

Cliven Bundy Files Lawsuit against Judge, Barack Obama, Harry Reid & Others for Constitutional Violations
On Tuesday, political prisoner Cliven Bundy filed a complaint against U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro, U.S. Senator Harry Reid, the son of Harry Reid, Rory Reid and President Barack Obama for violating the Constitution by violating his Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel and For Speedy Trial, Eighth Amendment Right Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Mr. Bundy is currently being held in solitary confinement), Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms in Self-Defense, and First Amendment Right to Assemble in Self-Defense.

Barack Obama Doesn’t Even Know How Old the US is
Now, more than ever, we should question the mental state of Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. Not only is the man a serial liar, but even his ability to know certain things is found to be wanting. Last week, he gave a speech in which he totally botched the age …

1,180 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
Editor’s Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. He began with 252 examples, then quickly grew to 504 and later to 694. In November 2014, he added more than 200 more examples of the usurper-in-chief’s unlawful acts. By May, that number …

Hillary Clinton Thinks Barack Obama is Wrong on Christian Genocide – Or Does She?
Finally something I can agree with Hillary Clinton on. Sadly, I’m not sure she actually means anything she says on this issue. In fact, I’m pretty certain she’s only sounding a pro-Christian note in an effort to pander for center-left Christian votes. All of the cynicism being admitted, it’s a …

While the Focus was on the Jihad in Paris, Barack Obama Did This!
So, the Paris jihad attacks took place late Friday evening and we didn’t even make it to Monday Morning before Barack Obama had once again engaged in treason with the enemy. His administration released five more Islamic jihadis from Guantanamo Bay to the United Arab Emirates. So, who were these …

Ted Cruz: “Barack Obama Does Not Wish to Defend this Country”
“I recognize that Barack Obama does not wish to defend this country. He may have been tired of war, but our enemies are not tired of killing us. And they’re getting stronger.” – Ted Cruz Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has long been a strident critic of President Obama’s foreign policy, …

Viral Video Making “Cryptic Threats to Barack Obama” Plants Hidden Symbols in Viewers Minds
The Internet is now ablaze with analyses of a creepy video that was revealed to have cryptic messages – including “images” encoded in layered audio tracks – some of which allegedly make death threats against President Obama. It is not known if this bizarre video is an elaborate hoax or …