Search Result for “nancy pelosi”

Nancy Pelosi Condemns Antisemitism – Poses With Jew-Hater Ilhan Omar On Rolling Stone Magazine Cover
Why does Rolling Stone put notorious ISIS supporter and Jew-hater lhan Omar (D-MN), simple-minded antisemite and rabid communist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and socialist (Medicare for all) Jahana Hayes (D-CT) on their front cover? Over 100 new Congresspeople were elected in the mid-terms, but these are the vile chosen selected to be poster girls for the Democrats.

How Nancy Pelosi Earned Her Fortune May Surprise You – Average Citizen Would Be Targeted For The Same Thing
It’s troubling that a criminal, corrupt woman would use her position as Speaker of the House to make a ton of money when she would side with those who would criminalize that very thing if it were an ordinary citizen.

HR8: Nancy Pelosi Pushes Anti-Second Amendment Bill That Could Easily Put You In Jail
Pelosi and her anti-gun team are “profoundly stupid or genuinely evil.” I don’t think they are stupid.

Nancy Pelosi Essentially Guaranteed Another Government Shutdown When She Said This…
President Trump made it abundantly clear that there would be no long-term deal without wall funding, and that wall funding is supposed to be part of the current negotiation process in Congress. But according to Nancy Pelosi, that isn’t even on the table.

President Trump Just “Dunked” On Nancy Pelosi With A Power Move That “Has Never Happened In The Annals Of Congressional History”
Just minutes before a congressional delegation including Pelosi was scheduled to leave on a seven day trip to the Middle East, Trump abruptly canceled the Air Force flight that they were supposed to be riding on.

Trump Cancels Nancy Pelosi’s Plane To Europe & Middle East Due To Government Shutdown
It looks like Pelosi’s wings are clipped until she comes to terms with who she is dealing with and what is needed to resolve the shutdown.

Secret Service: Nancy Pelosi Is Lying
Liar. There are no security concerns. The party of treason has been exposed yet again for its perfidy and campaign of destruction.

The Political Posturing of Nancy Pelosi: Redux
Nancy Pelosi is back as Speaker of the House. Progressive-Fascist Democrats are the ones who re-elected her to this position. Let’s all try to remember that when nothing gets done for the next two years and we all are brought to the point of vomiting over politics.

Nancy Pelosi: Gun Confiscation “Will Be A Priority” – Survivor Of Castro’s Communist Cuba Reminds Us Of What That Brings
“I do believe, because in this Congress…there is bipartisan legislation to have common sense background checks to prevent guns going into the wrong hands. It doesn’t cover everything, but it will save many lives,” Pelosi said on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time.” It will do no such thing.

Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Over, If You Don’t “Share Our View,” You’ll Be “Collateral Damage”
This idea of the government being there for our financial security is pure nonsense.