Search Result for “new zealand”

Do You Know Who is Behind Your Vitamins & Supplements? New Player Seeks To Disrupt Industry With Real, Clinical Tested Supplements You Can Trust
The silver lining in the CONvid-1984 is that many of us were educated during the plandemic. Personally, I can say that I learned a great deal, much of which I suspected as a husband to my wife and father to our ten children. However, I also began to notice the …

Three Important News Items Most Of The Media “Forgot” To Tell You About
Only the most naïve Americans have not awakened to the reality that the mainstream media in this country is—on the whole—one giant propaganda machine. They tell you only what they want to tell you, and then they tell you what you’re supposed to think about it. And every bit of …

Inside Codex with Scott Tips: New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats & Dogs
ew people are aware of who creates the global food “standards” and “guidelines,” and even fewer have a seat at the table with a voice to challenge the toxins, ingredients, and processes working their way into the food system. One of those individuals is Scott Tips, President of the National …

New England Journal Of Medicine: CONvid Shots Cause New Form Of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
A New England Journal of Medicine study has just confirmed what the data already has: that COVID-19 vaccines are giving people a new form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The mRNA injections completely degrade the human immune system of the vaccinated population and it worsens by the week. The huge study was …

WHO Pandemic Treaty: The New Push For Vaccine Passports, Global Surveillance & More
Terrorist Teddy Tedros is advancing his terrorist organization, the World Health Organization, to usurp the power of the people and the sovereignty of 194 nations on the planet and the treasonous Joe Biden Administration is all too happy to go along with it. It would turn every state of our …

Australia’s New World Order Police State Was Created To Stop COVID – Data Reveals It’s A Miserable Failure (Video)
We’ve covered quite a bit of the tyranny taking place Down Under in Australia. In fact, in this past week, The Sons of Liberty morning show interviewed both Fanos Panayides and Nick Patterson about their encounters. We’ve also see Australian truckers win a major victory against mandatory COVID shots. Still …

The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19
“A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.”― Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering the playing field faster …

World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income & vaccination requirements
Well, this is an excellent way to enslave the population, appeal to man’s fear and his baser nature at once, allow him to engage in the ultimate hedonism while indebting him to the beast system. I’m sure there are many who think this is just fine. After all, the government …

Adventures in Homeschooling Open Up New Possibilities
The threat of mandatory temperature checks and mask wearing in schools has some parents at the tipping point, where they start to plot a future with tutelage of their kids moved firmly under their supervision and roof. This was preceded by evidence of extreme liberal agendas being added to curriculums in some …

Multiple Australian Television News Broadcasts Declare “New World Order” Is Here
I woke up Sunday morning to several Australian broadcasts declaring the New World Order is here. I know, many people waiting on the anonymous Q to save them won’t believe it, but this is the mainstream media declaring it. They are apparently OK just putting it in the people’s faces …