Search Result for “riots in Ferguson ”

Rich Leftists Encourage People to Loot Their Neighborhoods
A hardcover copy of “In Defense of Looting” will run you 21 bucks at Amazon and 28 bucks at Barnes and Noble. That’s just how capitalism works for the distribution and sales of a product from one of the biggest publishing companies in the world that’s part of the Lagardère …

Literal Battle Zones Are Erupting All Over America (WARNING: VIOLENT CONTENT)
Part of the “new normal” in America seems to be battle zones erupting across the nation. I’m not just talking about protests, but full-on sieges that may last for days, weeks, or even months. Some of these began due to acts of police brutality, while others have taken on lives …

The Black Lives Matter Effect is Killing Black Children
Mekhi James, a 3-year-old boy, cried, “It hurts,” after he was shot in Chicago. Then he died. Sincere Gaston, a 1-year-old boy, was also shot and killed in Chicago. A 3-year-old girl was shot in the chest while playing in the front yard with other children. She was among the four toddlers …

No, We’re Not All In This Together: Governors Running Lockdowns Are Not With Us
“We’re All In This Together,” the sappy title of one of several bad songs, has become the Ministry of Information slogan of the pandemic. You hear it while shopping for groceries at the supermarket, see it on billboards that tell you to social distance your way off the street, and …

3 Reasons Why Prepared People Need Guns
One of the many adages of the prepper world is, “If you can’t defend it, you don’t own it.” If you’re new to the preparedness lifestyle, this saying basically means that all of your supplies, your stockpiles, your carefully selected buckets of food, and the time and money you spent on preparation will be …

Michael Baden: The Doctor Linked To George Floyd, Jeffrey Epstein, OJ Simpson, MLK & JFK
Dr. Michael Baden, the doctor that recently conducted an autopsy of George Floyd and concluded that he died of asphyxiation, has a very interesting past of being involved in the investigations in some of the most famous deaths in recent US history. Not only was he recently called upon to …

Why Have AG Barr & Feds Not Arrested Actor Tom Arnold For Inciting Insurrection?
I ask the question rhetorically because I already assume the answer. The reason that Tom Arnold has not been arrested for his tweet that incites anti-Americans to violence is that it’s all a part of the show that Americans are caught up in. Big bark, little bite. Attorney General Bill …

Leftists Would Rather See America Burn Than Lose
There are two key factors contributing to the exaggerated response of some of our citizens following the killing of black Minnesota resident George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis on May 25. By this, I am referring to the widespread riots in cities across America that followed Floyd’s …

Five Solutions You Won’t Hear From Politicians On How To End Police Violence Now
Since the George Floyd protests began last week, they have since morphed into a much broader movement which is now exposing a problem this country has suffered from for a long time. The system of law enforcement in this country has morphed into a militarized standing army, preying on the …

Across The Country, Cops Are Joining Protesters & Their Cities Aren’t Burning (Video)
It has been one week since officer Derek Chauvin put his knee on the neck of the handcuffed George Floyd and kept it there until he died. That moment would be the catalyst for a chain reaction of events that would change the face of America…forever. In nearly every major …