Search Result for “Planned Parenthood ”

More Hypocrisy of Carly Fiorina Unmasked in Audio & Video: “Hillary Clinton was a Great Candidate”
Seriously, it is amazing how little “conservatives” actually vet their own idols. After Wednesday’s debate, people are singing Carly Fiorina‘s praises, but they have very short memories. Fiorina, while a supporter of John McCain in 2008 (not really much better than Obama or Clinton), said the she had such “great …

Trump Demonstrates He Does Not Understand the Constitution: Claims Sodomite “Marriage” is “Law of the Land”
While Donald Trump has certainly stirred the pot against the establishment, and for that I’m truly grateful, the fact is that I have been stand-offish on the man because I knew there are things that will come to the surface on him. This week The Donald proclaimed ignorantly that same-sex …

Perry Engages in Hypocritical Rhetoric about Southern Border Security
Promises, promises. These are what political campaigns contain in order to garner votes or what politicians spew to get a pet project accomplished. Case in point happens to surround the promise of securing of the US southern border with a fence if the people accepted “amnesty” for illegal alien invaders …

State of Texas Being Sued by Foreign Citizens with Mexican Government Support
Things get more bizarre by the day. Last night, a conversation between some friends regarding religion, weapons and self-defense occurred, due to the shooting incident in Virginia of two news crew individuals on live TV. It ended friendly with one friend stating he would give up freedom and liberty if …

People Are Going Crazy
Have you noticed that more Americans than ever seem to be going totally insane? When even reporters start going on racially-motivated shooting sprees, you know that things are getting crazy in this country. On Wednesday, most Americans were absolutely stunned to learn that a former WDBJ-TV reporter shot and killed a …

September 2015: Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda
If you didn’t like “Agenda 21″, then you really are not going to like “The 2030 Agenda”. Next month, the United Nations is going to launch “The 2030 Agenda” at a major conference that will be held from September 25th to September 27th in New York City. The Pope is …

Over 80,000 Christians Take To The Streets – Fighting Against The Sodomite Agenda
Tens of thousands of Christians took to the streets throughout Mexico to fight back against the evil advancement of the homosexual agenda, demanding that their rights as parents be protected and not manipulated to be dictated by a pro homosexual state. Here is a photo: The people took to the …

God and Guns: “The King Has Come”
In the wake of the Obergefell opinion of the Supremes, several “Christian” Colleges have already caved in in order to avoid any and all persecution from the sodomites who are controlling our land. They haven’t even considered fighting the evil; instead, they have compliantly changed their policies to accommodate sodomite …

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
Editor’s Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. He began with 252 examples, then quickly grew to 504 and later to 694. In November 2014, he added more than 200 more examples of the usurper-in-chief’s unlawful acts. Today, that number has …