Search Result for “George Soros”

Russia Readies Back-up System For Potentially Explosive “Split With International Banking System”
The grand order of things could be undergoing some major overhauls. To put it more bluntly, a war to reset the global financial order is about to be unleashed. Preparations inside Russia are being made in case the ultimate banking sanctions are placed on them, cutting off commerce inside the …

Hit Lefty Celebrities Where It Hurts
It is an indisputably good thing that President Donald Trump’s White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, held an emergency briefing last Saturday wherein he slammed the press for their “deliberately false reporting” of the previous day’s inauguration. Citing photographs that were “intentionally framed in a way to minimize the enormous …

2016: How Truth was Destroyed So You’d Buy the Government’s Propaganda
Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project. “We’re an empire now,” Karl Rove nefariously asserted in 2004, “and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study …

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban to Illegal Muslim Invaders: Get Out of Hungary and Don’t Come Back
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been very vocal about his displeasure with the Muslims who are invading his country and Europe. Now, it appears that he has given the illegal invaders an ultimatum, Get out of Hungary and don’t come back… If you cannot leave, we will assist you. …

“The Shadow Government” at State Level Mentioned in Clinton FBI Files
So, for all you people out there who think that those of us who point out that there is a Shadow Government in place in the united States are “conspiracy theorists,” here’s a bit of conspiracy fact. Now, among the 56 pages of the FBI’s own documentation while investigating Hillary …

INSANITY: Sacramento Under Siege By Neo-Nazis?
UPDATE: We apologize. The video is from a neo-Nazi protest. While I certainly don’t stand with neo-Nazis, it was never reported that they caused any violence. The violence came from others in the crowd, which even led to stabbings. The title of the article has been changed to reflect this …

A Moral-less Enemy Is Impossible to Beat
The fourth rule of power tactics, according to Communist Saul Alinsky, is using your opponent’s rules against them; or rather, making them live up to their own rules.

Oathkeeper: I’ve Got the Documents to Prove Our Government Committed Treason in Oregon and Nevada!
Almost daily there are things coming out concerning the lawlessness of the DC government, especially concerning the recent protest at the Malheur Wildlife refuge in Oregon. On Saturday of last week, one Oathkeeper went to the microphone with documents in hand during a protest at City Hall and declared that …

Putin Deploys 28 Combat Planes in Syria, Taunting West to “Join Forces against ISIS”
Who are the real enemies in the Middle East? Is it ISIS – ransacking, raping and beheading its way across the region to carve out a new Caliphate and threatening terrorism inside U.S. borders – or is it Putin and his gang, cornering American statesmen in a deadly game of …