Search Result for “confederate flag”

Evangelical Leader Russell Moore Should Probably Read His Bible Before Attacking Judge Roy Moore
It seems that the religious hypocrites are teaming up with the Socialists and Communists in our country to crucify Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore, just like the Sadducees and Pharisees did to Jesus. The latest example of this comes in the person of Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics & Religious …

Democrat Candidate for Governor Ralph Northam: Republicans Are Minority Murdering Racists
In Virginia, there is an extremely tight race Gubernatorial race going on and both parties are hoping that a victory in the Old Dominion will propel them to victory in 2018. The GOP nominated the very bland, establishment operative Ed Gillespie. The Democrats went with a similarly bland though much …

George Washington’s Church Removes Plaque Honoring Him
Another reminder, as if we needed one, that it’s not going to stop with Confederate generals. Or, for that matter, Virginians or slaveowners. Look at the history of the left around the world. And look at where they drew the line and stopped. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back …

Grant Hall and the Fate of Eight Conspirators
Grant Hall is located on the green and perfectly manicured grounds of Ft. McNair, near the banks of the Anacostia River and the Washington Channel of the Potomac River. Building 20, Grant Hall, was part of the Federal Penitentiary that was built on this site in 1829. It was designed …

Shame on the U.S. Supreme Court for Making a Mockery of the First Amendment
All the justices had to do was right a 60-year wrong that made it illegal to exercise one’s First Amendment rights on the Supreme Court plaza. It shouldn’t have been a big deal.

Ignorant, Racist Mizzou Students Call For Removal of Thomas Jefferson Statue
A few months ago, we saw a nationwide controversy over the Confederate Battle Flag with liberal ignorant individuals claiming the flag was symbolic of racism and slavery. The “ignorant” complaints and demonstrations resulted in some southern states removing the flag from flagpoles. Yet, that wasn’t enough. These same “ignorant” individuals …

Race Wars: Setting the Stage for Martial Law
I’d heard that “an Ivy League professor” said on a social media venue that GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson should win “coon of the year” after he advocated allowing Confederate battle flags to be displayed at NASCAR events. Then, I heard that said Ivy League professor was none other than …

Obama Citizen & Immigration Services: Citizenship Is Means to Combat Terrorism at Home
The growing threat of rampant terrorism here in the US concerns many Americans as Obama “imports” unvetted Muslims from the Middle East and unidentified, undocumented illegal aliens invade the nation through our porous southern border. While Obama and his administration declare patriotic Americans “terrorists,” the identification of real threats remains …