Home»US»Pastor & Sheriff Joined Forces to Defy Tyranny by Deputizing Entire Church

Pastor & Sheriff Joined Forces to Defy Tyranny by Deputizing Entire Church

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In a remarkable act of defiance targeting government lawlessness during Covid, Pastor Caleb Cooper of New Hope Revival Church in New Mexico, alongside Sheriff Glenn Hamilton, carved a path for resisting unconstitutional tyranny in defense of the Church and liberty during Covid that continues to inspire.

Speaking in an explosive interview with journalist Alex Newman at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association summit in Las Vegas, Pastor Cooper explained how and why he decided he simply could not shut his church and comply with the unlawful decrees of the governor.

Full interviews with Sheriff Hamilton and Pastor Cooper are below.

At a time when many places of worship were deemed “non-essential” by authorities, Cooper and Sheriff Hamilton joined forces. One Sunday, the sheriff deputized every member of Cooper’s congregation so they would be exempt from lockdown orders.

Together, the pastor and sheriff duo were a beacon of resilience and faith, showcasing a model of steadfastness and courage for communities across the nation.

“You know, the governor said, well, churches are not essential,” Pastor Cooper recounted, reflecting on the unprecedented challenge.

Turning to biblical tenets and the courage imbued by faith, Pastor Cooper communicated to his congregation the imperative to stand firm. “Stronger than the virus is fear and we can’t bow to a spirit of fear,” he remarked, emphasizing a divine mandate to “keep my lighthouse open.”

Facing an unsettling voicemail from the state police deeming their church non-essential, Pastor Cooper’s conviction did not waver. Instead, he sought an ally in an unexpected quarter—the local sheriff.

Despite having no prior relationship, this crucial partnership would underscore the essence of community resilience.

Sheriff Glenn Hamilton’s response was unequivocal. “Pastor, I’ll defend you even if I got to go to jail myself,” he declared, a testament to the defense of God-given rights he swore to uphold over yielding to perceived governmental overreach.

The sheriff’s presence in church, donned in full regalia, was a powerful message of unity and lawful support, affirming, “We’re not shutting this church down.”

This partnership culminated in a bold move; the deputization of the entire congregation, an act which uniquely positioned them within law enforcement exemptions during shutdown orders.

Pastor Cooper highlighted the importance of this pivotal moment, underscoring the sheriff’s role as “that barrier between a tyrannical government that seeks to oppress and your God-given rights.”

Pastor Cooper’s message to fellow clergy was unambiguous—“we’ve got to stand.”

He invoked Revelation 12, reminding pastors of their sacred duty to hold the line against governmental mandates that conflict with divine commandments.

Cooper’s rationale was clear: “The only thing worse than someone dying of COVID-19 is that they die of COVID-19 without Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.”

Throughout this odyssey, the spirit of cooperation between civil and spiritual leadership was exemplified. “We saw a convergence between shepherds and sheriffs co-laboring and working together,” Cooper mused, signifying a profound partnership rarely seen, yet crucial in times of trial.

Pastor Cooper’s courageous journey, encapsulated in parts by the film “Noncompliant,” serves as an inspiring call to action. His exhortation to pastors is simple yet powerful: the gospel offers the ultimate salvation, and defending its proclamation is paramount to preserving both faith and freedom.

For those wishing to delve deeper into Cooper’s message, his teachings are available at CalebCooperMinistries.com and NewHopeRevivalChurch.com, as well as on his YouTube channel.

In conclusion, Pastor Cooper asserts a higher allegiance, inspired by Acts 5:29, affirming, “We ought to obey God rather than men,” a sentiment reverberating as a clarion call for religious communities across the United States to remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

Watch the full interview below:

Full interview with Sheriff Hamilton here:

Article posted with permission from Alex Newman

Alex Newman

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine,  a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more. All together, Alex reaches millions of people each year with the message of faith, family and freedom. Alex is happily married and has five children, so far. Along with his family, he currently splits his time between various places, including Europe and the United States.
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