Home»US»Report: Western North Carolina Residents Claim Feds Are Seizing Their Land & Bulldozing It ALONG WITH BODIES OF DEAD – But The Reason?

Report: Western North Carolina Residents Claim Feds Are Seizing Their Land & Bulldozing It ALONG WITH BODIES OF DEAD – But The Reason?

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What is taking place in Western North Carolina, literally about an hour from me, is the very thing they were attempting to do in Maui, which was make a major land grab.  However, that is exactly what residents in Chimney Rock are saying the federal government is illegally doing following the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which many of us believe was also used as a weapon against those people.

Chris Martenson posted this information brought to him by a Peak Prosperity member who attended a recent town meeting in which government bureaucrats explained they would be bulldozing the town, including any bodies in the debris, not giving them a proper burial, and also seizing the land… yes, illegally grabbing up the land.

Why would they want this land?  Simple, lithium and quartz.

I reported the other day on the mine there in Spruce Pine that is the highest quality quartz that is used in the production of semiconductors.  According to a Brave internet search, “Western North Carolina is home to the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt, a 60-mile-wide geological formation rich in lithium deposits. For decades, mines in this region supplied most of the world’s lithium, until cheaper sources were found in South America and Australia…. Western North Carolina’s lithium deposits and Piedmont Lithium’s Carolina Lithium project make the region an important player in the global lithium market. The project’s development is expected to support the growth of the U.S. battery supply chain, decarbonization efforts, and North Carolina’s electrification economy.”

Here’s the latest from Martenson:

This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives. 

This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government.

Me: What the heck…? That’s quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can’t…even. I’m stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It’s what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you’d be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round [sic} are empty or locked. In Chandler NC, 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute. Multiple tuckers [sic] have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.

Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions.

Please amplify the message!!!

Others responded with more evidence of the criminal nature of what is going on in Western NC.

If that wasn’t enough, there’s more, lots more!

The people in Western North Carolina desperately need our prayers but more than that, they need our efforts to rescue them and push back against this corrupt, federal government, then abolish it once and for all!

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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