Search Result for “New World Order ”

Bilderberg West, Bohemian Grove & The New World Order (Video)
“Illuminazi Bilderberg West Bohemian Grove identifies the core of the criminal cabal that orchestrates the evils of the world. It needs to be viewed, reviewed,and reviewed once again. Its the best single expose of the Luciferian Elite in existence on film.” Anthony J HIlder Anthony Hilder with Robert Hammond cooperate …

Multipolarity Is Just The New World Order By Another Name
This is how the enemy works: They change the meaning of words or invent completely new words to deceive the people at large, but we are having none of it and we know that whatever they call it, in the end it is totalitarian, authoritarian and tyrannical on its foundation. …

Astonishing Predictions from Dr. Richard Day, 1969 – Part 3 – They Planned to Announce – ‘The New World Order Was Now the System For The World’ (Video)
Over the past couple of days, we’ve been publishing an interview with Dr. Richard Day from 1969 (See those here and here). In the interview, he communicates what was going on then and projecting those ideas into the future, which we all see taking place right in front of us. …

The New World Order Vs The Old Paths (Video)
The Satanists in government and corporations continue to promote their New World Order in contrast to God’s Old Paths. We’ll take a look at where they are trying to drive humanity and then at what God says about the path we should be on! Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality …

“Council For Inclusive Capitalism” Is The New World Order Implemented By Corporations, Financial Institutions & Banksters (Video)
Anyone paying attention knows banksters, corporations and other financial institutions are the ones advancing the New World Order. This is being orchestrated through organizations like the World Economic Forum and major players including Bill Gates and the antichrist Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Our job is to resist them, …

The Old World Order – The New World Order Isn’t Coming
When President George H.W. Bush delivered a speech to Congress envisioning the emergence of a “new world order”, he had it backward. The new world order wasn’t emerging, it was over. A “new world”, Bush claimed, “is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known” …

Biden’s New World Order & Ukraine
Joining prominent globalists such as George Herbert Walker Bush, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite, Bill Gates, George Soros, Barack Obama et al., Joe Biden is again promoting the burgeoning New World Order. During a speech at Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting, Biden said, “There’s going to be a new world …

Biden: “Now Is A Time When Things Are Shifting. There’s Going To Be A New World Order Out There, And We’ve Got To Lead It.” (Video)
Joe Biden just told the entire world that “a New World Order” is coming, and he insists that the U.S. needs to lead it. I know how wild that sounds, but Biden really did just say this. In fact, I am about to share video footage of him saying this …

South Africa: Highest Court To Hear Case That Would Set Continent Free From Central Banks & New World Order (Video)
Africa has been under attack for decades. We know that they have been attacked by the likes of Bill Gates pushing his deadly poison on the population, especially children. We know that several representatives in Africa have mysteriously died as a result of not going along with the COVID hoax …

Joe Biden Continues To Bark Out New World Order Lawlessness At UN With More “Vaxx” Mandates
Joe Biden won’t stop barking orders until everyone has complied or the ruling class has been decimated by those sick and tired of being slaves. Which is it going to be? Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated Biden is going to announce further “actions” …