Search Result for “bowe bergdahl”

Soldier Who Was Wounded In Search For Traitor Abdullah Bowe Bergdahl In Afghanistan Dies From Wounds
“Abdullah” Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter who converted and joined the Taliban. A half dozen soldiers have died in the ensuing search to recover Bergdahl. From the comment section: GrnBeretVet• Injustice prevails! Today it was announced that a member of the US Military proven to have been a deserter was given …

Will Army Pay Deserter Bowe Bergdahl $300,000 In Back Pay?
The United States Army is actually considering giving deserter Bowe Bergdahl $300,000 in back pay in addition to releasing him. Why this is even being contemplated is anyone’s guess. While he was listed as “Missing-Captured” for several days after his disappearance until he turned up in videos alive with the Taliban, …

Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Gets Dishonorable Discharge But No Prison Time – Despite The Lives He Cost
Editor’s Note: This is shameful and an injustice to the lives lost searching for him and those forever marred by that search! Shame on the military court in their unjust sentencing. He should have been executed. This is a travesty of justice. Bowe Bergdahl should be tried for treason. Instead, …

Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Charges Of Desertion, Misbehavior
Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl formally pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy Monday. Bergdahl, a 31-year-old soldier who left his post in Afghanistan in 2009 only to be captured by the Taliban and held for five years until 2014, now faces a sentence of up to life in prison, The …

Military Judge Sets Trial Date For Bowe Bergdahl After Three False Starts
Military judge Army Col. Jeffery Nance has set an October trial date for Bowe Bergdahl, who stands accused of deserting his unit in Afghanistan back in 2009. After three unsuccessful tries at setting a date, Nance declared jury selection will begin on Oct. 16, which will be followed shortly by a firm …

Judge Rejects Dismissal of Bowe Bergdahl Case because of Trump’s Comments
Judge Army Col. Jeffery Nance has tossed out arguments from Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team that President Donald Trump’s harsh comments have prevented Bergdahl from receiving a fair trial. According to Bergdahl’s lawyers, Trump’s rhetoric on the campaign trail ruined the ability of potential jurors to assess the case …

Legal Experts: ‘Zero Evidence’ That Obama Is Likely To Pardon Bowe Bergdahl
There is very little evidence suggesting President Barack Obama would interfere in the military justice system and pardon Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who is accused of desertion. The chance of Obama acting to grant a pardon in the closing weeks of his presidency is slim, according to legal experts, Stars and …

Bowe Bergdahl: Taliban Asked Me If Obama is a Sodomite
While I have no compassion for a guy that leaves his post and endangers the lives of his fellow servicemen, I do find some of the latest revelations from Bowe Bergdahl quite interesting and you should too, as a patriotic American. Among those, it seems that the Taliban that captured …

Traitor-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama Has Shuffled the Players in the Army to Ensure That Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Will Get NO JAIL TIME
As reported by Fox News, “An Army officer is recommending that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl face a lower-level court martial and be spared the possibility of jail time for leaving his post in Afghanistan.” Bergdahl was captured [Bergdahl was NEVER captured; he was apprehended after he voluntarily walked away from his base camp and …

Donald Trump on Bowe Bergdahl: He Should Have Been Executed
Presidential candidate Donald Trump has weighed in on deserter Bowe Bergdahl and has said he should be executed for his desertion. “We’re tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who’s a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed,” Trump said at the casino-hotel Treasure Island. “Thirty years ago,” Trump added, “he …