Search Result for “bundy ranch”

Investigators: Bundy Ranch Lead Agent Daniel P. Love Stole Evidence
Department of Interior investigators reported that Bureau of Land Management agent Daniel P. Love, who was the head agent at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014 and was found guilty of misconduct last year, stole valuable stones the were supposed to be evidence and passed them out “like candy” to …

Unbelievable! Government to Retry Bundy Ranch Defendants a Third Time!
These tyrants just can’t let it go. They can’t make their case to the jury to find these men guilty so they are going to try them a third time and push other defendants’ court date back further into the future! After the jury acquitted two defendants in the Bundy …

Reporters Sue FBI/DOJ for Documents Related to FBI’s Bogus Journalists Who Infiltrated Bundy Ranch
On Monday, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to obtain documents related to the FBI’s impersonation of the press as documentary filmmakers to infiltrate Cliven Bundy’s ranch in 2014. The FBI admitted that they deceived …

2 Acquitted of All Charges in Bundy Ranch Trial
This is great news but at the expense of nearly two years of these men’s lives! A Nevada jury has acquitted two men, Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart, of all ten of the government’s trumped up charges against them for the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff against Bureau of Land Management …

Here’s How the Judge in the Bundy Ranch Trial is Undermining the Defense
On Monday, I reported on the motion filed by the prosecution to have the judge issue sanction in the Bundy Ranch trials round two against several defendants. Judge Gloria Navarro did not grant the motion, but what she has done has severely undermined the defense. Navarro, who had never occupied …

Bundy Ranch Case Is Not a Trial – It’s a Lynching
Yes, I’m using a word that some Oregonians consider to be “offensive.” So, if you are offended at the word “lynching,” grow up! The case currently being heard in Nevada against Bundy Ranch defendants is not a real trial. All the evidence and testimony is being suppressed, not only by …

Govt to Use Evidence Against Bundy Ranch Defendants that has Nothing to do with Bundy Ranch
In May, I reported on the fact that the US government was seeking to use participation in their stand at Sugar Pine Mine in April 2015, the White Hope Mine in August 2015 and membership in the Idaho III% militia against Bundy Ranch defendants in a retrial set for this summer. Now, after …

Marine Offers $10,000 For Info That Leads To Disbarment Or Criminal Conviction of Bundy Ranch Judge
This plan is to see that Justice is afforded to the Bundy family, others who came to the Bundy Ranch in 2014 to support them, and journalist Pete Santilli. Pete and the Bundys have been held without bail in maximum security federal custody since the day the occupation of the …

Love Triangle Influences Employee to Kill Himself & Set off CS Canisters at Detention Center Holding Bundy Ranch Defendants
On Tuesday, a corrections employee committed suicide and set of several CS canisters at the Nevada Southern Detention Center in Pahrump in an apparent response to a finding out his wife was committing adultery with another employee at the facility. The private-owned detention center has been home to many of …

Judge in Bundy Ranch Case Wants Defendants In Chains For Trial – Attorneys Challenge Rights Infringement
In the case of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS. Cliven Bundy et al, Judge Gloria Navarro has demanded the defendants all wear chains throughout their trials. The simple question is, why? These are men who have demonstrated they are not violent nor have they attempted to escape from the prison …