Search Result for “confederate flag”

Black Lives Matter Lefties Can’t Tell Norwegian Flag From Confederate Flag
When you know that everything is racist, you don’t actually have to know anything. And that makes life very simple for fanatics and very difficult for anyone who runs afoul of them. Like somebody flying a Norwegian flag in Seattle. “Hi. Suddenly there is a Confederate flag flying in front of a …

Confederate Flag Flies High at NC Fire Dept That Stand To Lose $19,000: “We’re Not Taking It Down”
The Uwharrie Volunteer Fire Department is standing firm, and will not be taking down the Confederate flag that flies below Old Glory above their fire station. Even though they stand to lose funding over it, the fire department is holding their ground. Unfortunately, the fire department, which is located in North …

Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project. In the first time they made their official opinion known on the matter, the House of Representatives just passed an amendment started by California Democratic Congressman Rep. Jared Huffman that would restrict the displaying of confederate flags at cemeteries nationwide to just two …

VA Forces Artist to Remove Confederate Flag from Civil War Mural
Officials at a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in Colorado want the Confederate battle flag completely removed from a mural. The Grand Junction medical facility features a mural of the Civil War painted by 72-year-old artist Lee Bowerman and shows a Confederate and Union soldier staring each other down. …

Black Man on Confederate Flag: Those Who Are Politically Correct are Not Being Historically Correct
I’m wondering just how the NAACP will spin this one… and the elected politically correct people in the South Carolina State House and governor. Former President of the Asheville chapter of the NAACP, 67-year-old H. K Edgerton gave a little history lesson on the confederacy and demonstrates that blacks were …

House Votes to Ban Confederate Flags at Cemeteries in South
The attack on the Confederate Flag is an attack on the South and its history. Make no mistake about it. What the tyrant Lincoln began, Obama is attempting to finish off. On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives voted to ban the display of Confederate flags at historic federal cemeteries …

Obama Bans the Confederate Battle Flag Without Congress’s Approval!
With very little said about the decision, there has been a change to the rules concerning the Confederate Battle Flag. For many, this is a superb thing. They hate the flag and all that it has come to mean. They wish for it to be removed so that its memory …

Their Endgame For The Flag, The National Anthem, The Declaration Of Independence & The Constitution
A huge national debate about our most important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues. But what most people don’t realize is that this isn’t really a debate about our past. Rather, it is a debate about what our future is going …

Congress Hides Red Flag Gun Confiscation In Latest 2021 NDAA
It looks as if a red flag law could be imposed upon members of the US military and their dependents if HR 6395 is part of a compromise between the criminals in Congress and the White House. The latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year …

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Defended KKK-Linked Confederate Group as ‘Many Fine People’
Democrats are hypocritical, racist destroyers exploiting the Black community to further their nefarious agenda. Joe Biden Defended KKK-Linked Confederate Group as ‘Many Fine People’ Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin B17 & Get 10% Off With Promo Code TIM …