Search Result for “mohamed elibiary”

Former FBI Agent Warns Current DC Regime Claims To Be “Going After Violent Extremists,” But They Really Mean Patriots
Former FBI special agent John Guandolo has recently warned that the current, fraudulent and illegitimate regime headed by China Joe Biden claims that they will be targeting “violent extremists,” but the reality is that they are actually going after American patriots. Biden Takes ‘Death to America’ Terrorists Off Terror List …

The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
Editor’s Note: Our friend, Dan from Squirrel Hill, has updated his list to 1,063 documented examples of Barack Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. He began with 252 examples, then quickly grew to 504 and later to 694. In November 2014, he added more than 200 more examples of the usurper-in-chief’s unlawful acts. By May, that number …

John Brennan: Obama’s Muslim Convert Stooge for Jihad
Brennan’s conversion to Islam only demonstrates that he is not American in his ideology. He is an enemy of the Republic.

Conflict of Interest: Did Robert Mueller Invest In Hedge Funds Tied to George Soros and Russia?
Special investigator Robert Mueller appears not only to have a questionable history for the investigation he is involved in, but also a conflict of interest with regards to investments he made in hedge funds tied to Russia and George Soros. Not only has it been revealed that Robert Mueller delivered …

Flashback: Former Congresswoman Says Muslims Migration is “Planned Invasion” to “Destroy Western Christendom”
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) warned in 2016 that the influx of Muslim migrants into the West was nothing more than a “planned invasion” for the “specific purpose of destroying Western Christendom. She also pointed out that none of “this mass migration into Russia or into China” – it is “all …

Texas Governor Signs Anti-Sharia Law
On Wednesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law House Bill 45, the “American Laws for American Courts,” which prohibits the state’s courts from using any foreign law in its courts, with specific reference to family courts that involved marriage or parents and children. The bill, which had five sponsors …

Former Obama DHS Official On ISIS Slaughtering Egyptian Christians: ‘What Goes Around, Comes Around’
A former Obama administration official at the Department of Homeland Security said Sunday that when it comes to the Islamic State slaughtering Egyptian Christians, “what goes around, comes around.” In a tweet posted Sunday, Mohamed Elibiary, who formerly served as senior member of the DHS’ Homeland Security Advisory Council, stated, …

Why There is No Such Thing as “Radical” Islam
No one should be surprised by the tragic shooting in Orlando. No one should be surprised that the shooter was an Islamist praised by ISIS. Nor should anyone be surprised of his father’s connection to the Taliban. What Americans should expect is violence, because violence is an integral part of …

Here’s Why There Is No Such Thing As “Radical” Islam
No one should be surprised by the tragic shooting in Orlando. No one should be surprised that the shooter was an Islamist praised by ISIS. Nor should anyone be surprised of his father’s connection to the Taliban. What Americans should expect is violence, because violence is an integral part of …

Designated Terror Group CAIR Founder: Isalm & US are “Twins Linked by Common Values”
According to Founder and Executive Director of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), Nihad Awad, Islam and the U.S. are “twins linked by common values.”