Search Result for “nancy pelosi”

BOMBSHELL NEW FOOTAGE: Nancy Pelosi Takes Responsibility for January 6th, “I Take Responsibility”
Americans, who simply exercised their rights protected under the First Amendment by protesting a fraudulent election in 2020, were entrapped, lied about, and imprisoned for this woman’s crimes. New video footage now has her confessing to treason against the people of the united States, stating that she took responsibility, which …

Bombshell Video: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught On Video Admitting January 6 Protests Not An Insurrection
Everybody knows. And still patriotic Americans are rotting in Democrat gulags in DC. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter admitting to a January 6 defendant that the insurrection narrative was nonsense and that Washington DC is too biased to hold fair trials for Trump supporters. Jim Hoft has the exclusive….. Related: IT WAS ALL …

The American Story That Joe Biden And Nancy Pelosi Don’t Want You To Read
If there was ever a time in post-Colonial American history when the American people needed to know the real story of their nation’s inception, it is NOW. It is no hyperbole to say that the United States is fast becoming exactly what America’s Founding Fathers fought a revolutionary war to …

Nancy Pelosi Has Done Her Best To Evaporate Unborn Babies, Eradicate Firearms, Expand Government And Enact Tyranny—Why Not Go Out With A Bang & Launch World War III?
From Pelosi is an idiot, but she’s not stupid. She knows there are consequences. The Chinese have made it very clear that they do not want Pelosi going to Taiwan. Tensions are already high between the US and China, and this trip certainly won’t help. Now, obviously it’s not …

Did You Ever Imagine That Nancy Pelosi Might Start A Global War?
She is actually going to do it. Nancy Pelosi is going to Taiwan, and she is going to take a bunch of other Congress critters with her. The Chinese are absolutely furious, and they are promising to respond very strongly when it happens. I really hope that the Chinese show …

Nancy Pelosi’s Son Was Involved In 5 Companies Probed By Feds -Shocking Paper Trail connects Him To Slew Of Fraudsters & Convicted Criminals
It looks like Paul Pelosi, jr. is following in his mother’s high heels. No doubt, he learned at the feet of his mother how to be corrupt and criminal. Now, a shocking, new paper connects him to convicted criminals and fraudsters. Like mother, like son. Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and …

Restraining Order Filed Against Nancy Pelosi
No, she isn’t stalking him, but it is almost as bad: Gen. Michael Flynn, who knows a thing or two about witch hunts, is taking action to stop the latest one. Naming all the members of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States …

Nancy Pelosi, High Priestess of the Left’s Cult, Gives Thanks to Floyd Her Savior
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Smirnoff) has been getting a lot of heat, as Matt Margolis detailed, for thanking George Floyd for being good enough to die “for justice.” But amid all the scorn and ridicule Pelosi is justly receiving, a key point is being overlooked: While her words may have sounded …

Tyranny: Speaker Nancy Pelosi Gives Pence 24 Hours To Invoke 25th Amendment… Or Else
What is that old, evil crone so afraid of? Frantic and desperate, Democrat criminal syndicate fear Trump has something that will destroy them. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your …

Nancy Pelosi Told Us This Would Happen
The highly questionable goings-on in several key swing states have elucidated an odd statement Nancy Pelosi made on October 29: “I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected president on Tuesday,” she said. “Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he will be elected. …