Shock Report: Police Were Engaged In Active Shooter Drill JUST BEFORE San Bernardino Massacre
Original Report:
Details emerging from San Bernardino, California indicate that at least 12 people are dead after between one and three heavily armed gunmen in body armor stormed a social service facility. According to Zero Hedge the suspects may have left an explosives device behind.
Police are investigating a report of shots fired in San Bernardino. As CBSLA reports, San Bernardino Fire officials are reporting at least 20 victims and 12 reported casualties in a shooting in the 1300 block of South Waterman. Authorities are advising all motorists to stay away from the area around the Inland Regional Center, a center serving people with developmental disabilities in San Bernardino and Riverside counties.
Investigators were searching the building and have yet to clear it. Police said there were reports of one to three shooters involved.
Marcos Aguilera’s wife was in the building when the gunfire erupted. He said a shooter entered the building next to his wife’s office and opened fire.
“They locked themselves in her office. They seen bodies on the floor,” Aguilera said, adding that his wife saw ambulances taking people out of the building on stretchers.
According to the latest update, police confirm three shooters at large wearing masks, body armor and armed with rifles
Witnesses report that bodies littered the floor of the building.
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A source inside of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that police were engaged in an active shooter drill on November 30 at Victor Valley Community College just prior to the massacre in San Bernardino. The exercise has been publicly confirmed by official sources.
Unconfirmed reports are emerging that police may have been engaged in an active shooting drill or an emergency drill just blocks away at the very moment the real shooting took place on December 2, 2015.
It’s worth noting that an active shooter drill was taking place during the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 and the U.S. military was carrying out an exercise simulating aerial attacks against domestic targets using airplanes at the very moment that 19 hijackers reportedly crashed three commercial airliners into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.
This latest report of a simultaneous active shooter drill in San Bernardino has yet to be officially confirmed but will no doubt lead to thousands of hours of fact-finding news reports and videos, as well as claims of fringe conspiracy theories as we’ve seen during previous attacks.
This is a developing story and more information will be made available as soon as additional reports emerge…
*Article by Mac Slavo