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Southwest Florida Media Is Finally Reporting On Corruption We’ve Been Exposing For Months!

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So, after months of reporting on the corruption and downright criminality of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, Southwest Florida media is finally manning up and reporting on what is taking place in their own backyard.

First up is FloridaPolitics.com.  Jacob Ogles wrote a piece on Monday which is basically a mirroring of reports I’ve done concerning Sheriff Marceno’s use of his position of power to pursue a rape victim for sex and a subsequent demand that she murder their unborn child.

This report goes hand in glove with the reports I have provided over the past 3 to 4 months in the ongoing story of Deanna Williams.

I’ve also followed up with documents sent to ABC News in New York as possible reporting concerning the ongoing pursuit of her by attorney Scott Mager, who is also knowingly in possession of stolen funds from Ms. Williams and now has a complaint that is submitted to the Florida Bar on behalf of Ms. Williasm concerning her claims, including his misrepresentation of himself in the matter, as well as the stolen funds and possible collusion to swindle Williams out of $300,000 and what appears to be a form of extortion of Ms. Williams to sue attorney Gloria Allred to receive a judgment of over $1 million that Mager claims is rightfully his.

This is very important as a report coming out on FOX 4 on Wednesday evening focuses on the ineligibility of Carmine Marceno to have been a police officer all the years he served in Florida.

This comes courtesy of Jane Monreal, whom I provided a plethora of documents as I did to other outlets.  Monreal was faithful to follow up and acquire even more documentation on here on.

FOX4 has already produced a teaser for the report.  Take a look.

FOX 4 Investigates LCSO Sheriff

A Fox 4 exclusive. Frank Cipolla – Fox4 and I spent months investigating Lee County's top cop. What we uncovered, Wednesday night at 10.

Posted by Jane Monreal Fox 4 on Monday, July 8, 2019

Notice how Sheriff Marceno looks for the quickest exit when simply questioned about his past fraudulent education and past employment.

While friends of Marceno, and no doubt Marceno himself as well as family members are seeking to sanitize and debunk claims against his integrity and lawfulness as a police officer before becoming sheriff by appointment at LEO Affairs, the facts speak a lot louder than words.

Southwest Florida media has sat on the real story of Deanna Williams.  It has sat on the corruption inside the Lee County judicial system against Ms. Williams.  It has remained silent when it came to the attorneys who are targeting her and have targeted her.  It has remained silent on a sheriff who should have never been in a position in law enforcement in the first place, targeting Ms. Williams, stalking her and pursuing her for a sexual relation, which he then demanded she murder their unborn child.  When she didn’t comply, he sought a paternity test and his attorneys attempted to smear her for what he was guilty of doing.

The media has even rubber-stamped FDLE’s “report” on Williams complaint against Marceno, which was never a criminal complaint on her part but an ethical one in his using his authority to pursue her for sex.  And Williams is not the only woman who has made this claim.

But it’s not just the media who has been silent.  Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has been complicit in the coverup of documented fraud by Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno.

While Naples Police Department had Marceno’s certification, which somehow he obtained fraudulently if the New York documents supplied by Suffolk County can be believed, Lee County Sheriff’s Office did not have it.

What are those certification documents?

According to FDLE, it is Exemption from Training and Exemption from Training – Proficiency Demonstration.

In other words, these are the forms that are to certify that Marceno met Florida law to bypass nearly 800 hours at the police academy after transferring from Suffolk County Park Police as a part-time park ranger to Florida.

Not only did Marceno not complete the required 12 months of full time sworn duty as an officer in New York, but he was never to take an equivalency of training test in the first place.  Yet, they gave it to him and he failed it twice.

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Furthermore, FDLE has a record of his first attendance of the preparation course for taking that test in 2000 and they also have a record of his failure both times in 2000.

However, they never provided a record of his retaking the course classes that he failed and the retaking of the EOT.  They just claim he eventually was certified in 2002.

There are no documents that I have been able to retrieve from anywhere he has worked or at FDLE, which claims they don’t keep them, that would substantiate the claims that he was ever lawfully wearing a badge and carrying a gun in the state of Florida.

Governor Ron DeSantis is aware of this.  Attorney General Ashley Moody is aware of this.  State Attorney and best buddy to Carmine Marceno, Amira Fox Dajani whose family has Islamic terror ties and she has an abundance of corruption surrounding her, is aware of this.  FDLE is aware of this.  The Southwest Florida media is aware of all of this.

And every single one of them has remained silent, buying time, not doing anything about the criminal top cop in Lee County.

As a result, anyone who has ever received a speeding ticket, been arrested or unethically handled by Marceno, including Deanna Williams whom he pursued for sex, impregnated and wanted her to murder the unborn child, should have a case for getting rid of any convictions in which Marceno was involved.  Because before he became sheriff, he was committing a felony every day he put on the uniform by impersonating a police officer.

If you have not followed this story, I laid out the Florida law, what the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) says about the law and demonstrated with documentation that Carmine Dominic Marceno committed a felony in the state for over 16 years.

However, the media is no longer going to remain silent.  I applaud Ms. Monreal for her diligence to see that the story is aired.  Now, maybe, others in the media in Southwest Florida will be forced to report the truth on this fraud and expose him for what he is.  In turn, I am hopeful that the story will also reflect back on the harm he has done to multiple women in the area, including Ms. Williams and that he face criminal felony charges for the years he impersonated a police officer.

As always, if you can aid Ms. Williams in her pursuit of justice, she is in desperate need of finances for that.  You can donate here through her GoFundMe Page.

Previous articles in this series:

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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