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We Don’t Need an Article V Convention to “Clarify” Our Constitution!
Those pushing for the so-called “convention of states” 1 say we must amend the Constitution because the people in Washington “don’t understand it.” Rubbish! Our Constitution is so simple that Alexander Hamilton expected us to be “enlightened enough to distinguish between a legal exercise and an illegal usurpation of authority”; …
Why the Tea Party Failed
The tea party movement failed – was co-opted by RINOs and lying progressives – because it was never founded on principles. It was founded on slogans: “limited government,” “the Constitution,” “stop the spending,” and “abolish the fed.” But they didn’t have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn’t know what …
How our Federal Constitution “Secures” Our God Given Rights
Our Declaration of Independence says the Creator God endowed us with Rights, and that the purpose of government is to “secure” the Rights God gave us. What does this mean? How does a government go about “securing” God given rights? I will show you. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality …
Rob Natelson Perverts the Necessary and Proper Clause and Thinks in Circles
In former law professor Rob Natelson’s recent paper, “No, the Necessary and Proper Clause Does NOT Empower Congress to Control an Amendments Convention” [read it HERE or HERE], he makes several untrue statements and commits the gross fallacy of making a circular argument, which begs the question. Natelson is the …
Delegates to an Article V Convention Can’t be Controlled by State Laws!
Our Declaration of Independence (2nd para) sets forth our long forgotten Founding Principles that: All men are created equal. Rights come from God. People create governments to secure God-given rights. The first three words of our Constitution throw off the European model where political power originates with the State; …
Nullification is a Natural Right & the Rightful Remedy for Unconstitutional Laws
What did our Framers really say we must do when the federal government usurps power? They never said, “When the federal government ignores the Constitution, amend the Constitution.” They never said, “File a lawsuit and let federal judges decide.” Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with …
States Need Budgets – but Enumerated Powers Limit Federal Spending
We will never solve our political and fiscal problems if we continue in our present state of ignorance of the fundamental distinction between the federal Constitution and the State Constitutions. With our federal Constitution, we created a national government to which we delegated only a handful of enumerated powers. If …

Enumerated Powers of Congress
1. With the U.S. Constitution, We The People created the federal government. It is our “creature”, and has no powers other than those We delegated to it in Our Constitution. Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language (1828), says re “constitution”: “…In free states, the constitution is paramount to the …