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I Warned About Demise of Europe 6 Years Ago
The mainstream media and Barack Obama may be surprised by what happened in Paris on Nov. 13. I was not. I have seen this coming, and warned about it, for years now. On Dec. 31, 2009, I wrote an article for the Washington Times, “Europe’s looming demise,” on the disastrous …

Germany Sells Out Of Pepper Spray As “Frightened Germans Buy Protection Against Refugees”
Things are getting frightening in Europe. Through a wildly arranged deal to take in a flood of refugee migrants from Syria, the Europeans are taking a bite of blowback, merely from being accomplices in the chain reaction of wars ranging from Iraq, to Libya, Syria and beyond. While the U.S. …

Officials Covered up Terrorist Caught among Migrants
Anyone with half a brain has realized the stark danger that European immigration policy has placed on Western civilization. Migrants have, since late Spring, been pouring into Southern Europe. And being that the EU has no border checks between member countries, these Muslims have been moving virtually unchecked. Until recently, …

George Soros Slams Eastern European Countries for Rejecting Illegal Alien Muslim Freeloaders and Jihadists
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused Soros, who was born in Hungary, of deliberately facilitating (and probably funding) the invasion of millions of Muslims, in order to destroy the sovereignty of EU nations. “This invasion is driven both by human traffickers and far left wing activists who support anything that weakens the …

Homeland Security “Concerned About Security Breach” From ISIS As Refugees Prepare to Flood America
Get ready. All the controversy that has just swept over Europe with migrant refugees is now coming to America. Will a threat emerge from the ten thousand or more that will pour in? Homeland Security has noted their concern, as they vow to “carefully screen” for security risks among refugee …

Invasion: FIVE MILLION MUSLIMS March on Europe: “We Cannot Guarantee the Public Safety Anymore”
Apparently the numbers that they’ve been selling to their unsuspecting populations are wrong by at least four million. The latest invasion reflects a truer number of five million, not one million — five million invaders. If that’s not war, what is? And it’s business, the social and migration industry is …

Europeans Scramble for Guns Amid Islamic Immigrant Invasion: “Long Guns Sold Out”
After decades of berating Americans for their constitutionally protected right to bear arms, Europeans are finally starting to wake up. It took over a million Islamic immigrants and violence across their union to convince them, but it appears that they finally get it. In Austria, the scramble for self-defense firearms …

The Mohammed Retirement Plan Won’t Save European Socialism. It Will Bury It
European leaders talk about two things these days; preserving European values by taking in Muslim migrants and integrating Muslim migrants into Europe by getting them to adopt European values. It does not occur to them that their plan to save European values depends on killing European values. The same European …

Economist Magazine Cover Foreshadows A False Flag Event That Will Happen In November?
Have the elite warned us that November 3rd and November 5th will be particularly important dates? The Economist has very close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty of Europe, and it has been a well-known mouthpiece for the global elite for decades. That is why all of the weird imagery …

Merkel’s Muslim Madness
German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a “danger for Europe.” Merkel, as usual, had it backward. It’s her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union. …