Posts Tagged

planned parenthood

The religion of eugenics has been around for a long, long time. For those of you who need to get up to speed on this issue, here is a brief explanation. Basically, eugenics is an elitist movement, rooted in the late 1800’s, to selectively “breed out” undesirable traits in the …

For many years, there has been this idea that the states have been bribed into giving away the rights that are naturally theirs. The powers not delineated in the Constitution explicitly belong to the states. Yet, the states have been handing these rights over to the Federal Government in order …

It seems that Planned Parenthood is much like the “Beast” in The Eagles’ famous song, Hotel California.  We just can’t seem to kill it, no matter what we try.  There has been little effort, thus little success at the Federal level.  Time and again the states have shut off the …

Another mass shooting in the United States creates yet another opportunity for our spineless president to push his left wing agenda. Riding on the backs of people needlessly murdered because of an irrational fear of allowing people to defend themselves, President Obama wastes no time and promises action on gun …

We have known all along that Planned Parenthood is predominately a murder-shop.  The abortion provider has been hiding behind the guise of women’s health provider for decades.  They pretend to provide for the poor, services they could not receive if they ceased to operate.  However, as Planned Parenthood has been …

As a Christian, I firmly believe God created the heaven and the earth and made man in His own image; however, for some, I question whether evolution played a factor as many humans act as though they came from a primordial soup mixture of amoeba that can’t distinguish their head …

When looking at the Democratic Party, one can see clowns on the left and jokers on the right. It doesn’t get any better in the Republican Party either. Because of this, America is witness to incessant “dog and pony” shows where the only accomplishments made by both parties and chambers …

Most conservatives have known for years that Boehner was not a true conservative, but a true politician.  He has shown us signs that this was the case.  He always put on a brave face, but caved when it became politically expedient to do so.  He has repeatedly abandoned his stated …

Remember this statement from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in response to Jeb Bush’s statements that the federal government had no role in gun control? “In claiming that there is no role for the federal government in regulating gun safety, Jeb Bush is insisting that Americans simply must accept future violence and leave …

The Obama administration and other powerful people within the government want the man who made the videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby organs selling in prison. I did a whole video on this:   Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin …