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The Homosexual Rights Movement and Child Sexual Abuse
The issue of pedophilia is once again making its way into the mainstream. Researchers are now claiming that it is normal for men to feel a sexual attraction to young, pre-pubescent children. As the homosexual rights movement continues to gain ground, we hear more and more about the normalization of …

Snapping of the American Mind: Good Medicine
No, you haven’t lost your mind. Yes, America has. If someone just 20 years ago had said, for starters, that we’d someday elect an anti-American president who would intentionally flood our borders with millions of illegal immigrants and Islamist “refugees,” that we’d soon celebrate as “heroic” a former Olympic champion …

Homosexual Man Who Sodomized a Young Boy Will Only Be Getting Thirteen Years in Prison
A sodomite grabbed a 13-year-old boy, sodomized him, and forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report: The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser John Gannon’s trial and sentencing. Speaking outside the Central Criminal Court on Friday with …

Lesbian Couple Trying to Force a Christian School to Teach Their Child
A lesbian couple in San Diego, California, is suing a local Christian school for refusing to educate their five-year old child. The problem? The child’s “mothers” are living in a lesbian relationship, something that the school prohibits. Mt. Erie Christian Academy is a religious, Bible-believing institution providing education in a …

US Marine Calls Pro-Sodomy Bakery to Request Cake with Bible Verse – See What Happens
A US Marine named Robert Mannarino called a pro-homosexual bakery in Florida, Cut the Cake, and requested for a cake with a Bible verse on it, Leviticus 20:13, and the bakery made it quite obvious that they did not want to provide service for the Marine, wanting to charge him …

Kim Davis Removes Her Name & Name of County from Marriage Licenses for Sodomites – Is She Back in Hot Water?
Following her release from jail, after spending five days there due to an illegal and unlawful order from Bush appointee US District Judge David Bunning, Kim Davis has allegedly stepped back into office and upheld Kentucky law by removing her name, as well as the county’s from the marriage licenses …

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”
Thirty North Carolina magistrates are refusing to conduct homosexual “marriages.” According to the report: More than 30 magistrates in North Carolina have refused to perform weddings. But thanks to a new state law, they were able to do so legally. Right after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June, …

Diversity: The Diabolical Doctrine of the Left
Apparently, there’s a new breaking story in the form of another black activist who’s really white. This one, covered Wednesday by Breitbart, features prominent #BlackLivesMatter activist Shaun King, who is also a correspondent for the liberal Daily Kos website. King has claimed for years to be biracial, but pretty solid evidence has …

Courts Once Again Rule Unlawfully Against Christian Bakers
To tell you the truth, every time I hear about a stupid cake for a “marriage” for lawbreaking sodomites, I want to throw a cake! Seriously, it’s getting that bad. But this week a state Court of Appeals ruled to endorse a lower court’s decision to force a Christian baker …

Sodomites Aiming for Your Kids
“The laws that they mean to use as a shield are fast becoming the spear to overthrow the laws as they intended them to be. People just did not figure that out until after the fact.” The New York Times reported on July 27, 2015 that the “Boy Scouts End …