Posts Tagged
suzanne hamner

Freedom From Religion Foundation Pens Letter to Obama Asking for Welcoming and Acceptance
Freedom From Religion Foundation co-presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker penned the letter and sent it on the very same day “Obama addressed the National Prayer Breakfast last week.” In it, they asked Obama to “welcome the ‘nonreligious to the American family.'”

Newton County Georgia Sheriff Takes Pride in Facility ACA Accreditation While Violating His Oath of Office
The duly elected Sheriff of Newton County, Georgia, Ezell Brown, appeared before the Newton County Board of Commissioners to “share, not only a plaque signifying his office’s recent accreditation, but also some of the rave reviews bestowed upon the Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) by commissioners with the American Correctional Association (ACA) to the board of commissioners Tuesday.”

NYC to Enact Legal Consequences for Using Wrong Pronoun with Transgenders
The United States has reached a critical time in its existence as a nation. Our founding fathers recognized the self-evident truths whereby these men declared independence from a monarch in order to found a nation where government protected individual God-given unalienable rights. Nowhere in the Constitution is one right more …

Virginia School District Parents Angered At Assignment Where Students Copied Shahada
Parents of students in a school district in Virginia are angry about an assignment given to their children. School students were given an assignment to practice calligraphy by “reproducing the shahada — The First Pillar of Islam — which states, ‘There is no god but Allah. Muhammed is the messenger …

Lamestream Enemedia Opened Door For Request to Investigate Obama College Claims Per Wayne Allen Root
The editors at Politico evidently thought they had hit the proverbial jackpot when publishing the false story on Dr. Ben Carson on November 6, 2015. In what can only be dubbed a “gotcha” piece, Politico blasted Dr. Carson claiming his campaign admitted to fabricating the story he was offered a …

AP Pushes False Narrative on Legalization of Sodomy as Pollsters Support the “Following Instructions” Narrative
The erroneous ruling of the Supreme Court contending that sodomite “marriage” is a “right” under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the united States has stirred controversy for months between supporters of the ruling and those opposed. Further controversy sparked when Rowan County, KY clerk Kim Davis refused to …

FBI Blames Citizen Videos for Increased Crime
As a child and through my adulthood, my mother instructed me that it was impolite to say, “I told you so.” Therefore, when I ended up being right about a situation, I refrained from saying the phrase that popped instinctively into my head. I adopted other phrases that would serve …

Romney to Advise Trump How to Win Election
It’s almost a given that most people know someone who is great at giving unsolicited advice on everything concerning everyone else’s life as “they know” from experience. They can tell you what to do about parenting, fixing your home, fixing your car, managing your finances and how to get ahead …

Oklahoma Supreme Court Wrongly Interprets Law – The People Stand Down as Ten Commandments Monument is Removed
Because of an Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling, the 2,400 pound monument depicting the Ten Commandments was removed under cover on Monday night from Oklahoma’s State Capitol. The ruling in Prescott v. Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission indicated the monument, built with private funds, “operates for the use, benefit or support of …

Bacha Bazi Obama Blasts Putin Over Syrian Airstrikes – Whose Side is He on?
In his 1801 inaugural address, newly elected President Thomas Jefferson, stated, plainly and simply, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none.” George Washington also urged the US to act for itself and not others by forming our nation’s character free of foreign attachments. Such …