Posts Tagged
Syrian refugees
Calais Explodes Into War Zone As Muslim “Refugee” Hordes Overwhelm Police, Cross Channel Tunnel to England
This must have been what it looked like when the Goths and Vandals invaded the Roman Empire during its final days. The names, places, and languages are different, but you know what they say: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” The police and government could stop …
Norway Offers to Pay Refugees to Leave: “$9,300 Dollars and Free Flights Home”
Frustrated with the influx of migrant refugees from Syria, Somalia and other war-torn countries in the region, Norway is leading a new path against the cultural invasion of Europe. Rather than make empty promises to its citizens about better policies, the Scandinavian nation frequently rated as having the highest standard …
Texas Removed its Request for Restraining Order on Syrian Resettlement
It is somewhat comparable to a city or town knocking on the door and demanding that you house strangers. But, worse, you are told that you are not allowed to find out anything about them before they get there. You have no clues to their history. You know nothing about …
Saudi Arabia Refuses To Take Even A Single Syrian Refugee
If Saudi Arabia won’t take in Syrian refugees, why should the United States? In recent weeks, we have heard a whole lot from Barack Obama about our “moral obligation” to take in refugees from Syria. Well, if there is a “moral obligation” to help these refugees, then why aren’t more …
Everything’s Fine Until the Bombs Go Off
Last month, French President Francois Hollande ridiculed the idea that the massive numbers of Muslim migrants entering his country were any kind of threat. “Those who argue that we are being invaded are manipulators and falsifiers, who do this only for political reasons, to scare,” the left-wing politician huffed. And …
DHS Report: There Are 73 Airport Employees On Terror Watchlists… How Will They Properly Screen Syrian “Refugees”?
Can we trust the federal government to protect us from terrorists who may be coming to the U.S. to cause trouble? President Obama and other establishment figures are assuring us that thousands of Syrian refugees and other immigrant pools should be accepted in the U.S., and that risky figures will …
Obama Threatens Veto of Legislation to Screen 10,000 Syrian Refugees
President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at screening Syrian refugees, which demands FBI background checks and sign-offs by top officials. So how long will it take Americans to decide if the problem is “Islam” or “radical Islam” or “Hijacked Islam”? These days (after the Paris attacks), both …
Obama: The Number of Refugees from Syria and Elsewhere Will be Increased ‘to 100,000 Per Year’
The number “10,000 Syrian refugees” is being thrown around a lot by the mainstream media, but did you know that Barack Obama has actually publicly declared that the U.S. is going to take in 100,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere for each of the next two years? That is an …
Can the States Reject Syrian Refugees?
There has always been a great fear among Americans that the Muslims coming into our country might have terrorist ties. Who knows what they might think or what their motive might be for coming to America. This has not been at any time more acutely felt since 9/11 as it …
Obama’s Version of America Is the ‘Shameful’ One
Barack Obama implied Monday that opponents of his mad scheme to fill this country with Syrian refugees (including an untold number of active Islamic jihadists) were motivated by religious prejudice. Obama said: And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the …