Posts Tagged
theodore shoebat
Fifty Christian Women, Tired of Being Kidnapped and Raped, Take Up Arms and Are Now Fighting Muslim Terrorists
Fifty Christian women in Syria have taken up arms and are now fighting Islamic terrorists, according to one report: Fifty Syriac Christian women have taken up arms and joined a female battalion that was formed to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). In Hasakeh, Syria, the fifty …

Government of Poland Defies European Union – Refuses to Take in Islamic Refugees
Poland is rebelling against the EU and declaring that it will not take in any of the Islamic refugees. According to one report: Poland’s government announced today that in the wake of the attacks on Paris, it will no longer participate in the EU’s resettlement plan for the thousands of …

Donald Trump: Hillary Is Only Running for President to Avoid Prison
Donald Trump promised that if he became president, he will conduct an investigation on Hillary Clinton for crimes, and he also said that the only reason why she’s running is because she wants to keep herself away from jail. According to the report: Speaking at a presidential campaign rally in …

Christian Woman Survives Muslim Stabbing by Calling on Jesus Christ
Two Muslims, one armed with a knife and another with a gun, entered a bus in Jerusalem and began. One of their targets was an elderly Christian woman. The one armed with a knife began stabbing her, and as she was being stabbed, she began to cry out, “Jesus Christ! …

Donald Trump Declares He Will Shut Down Mosques in America To Fight Against Islamic Terrorism
Donald Trump recently declared in a Fox News interview that if he became president, he would shut down mosques in order to protect the population from Islamic attacks. I did a video on this, with video of the interview of Trump in which he says this: Buy All-American! Bring health …

Muslims Force Woman to Watch Her Nine-Year-Old Daughter Getting Raped To Death
Muslims in Iraq forced a woman to watch her nine-year-old daughter get raped to death. The Muslims who did this were all members of ISIS. According to one recent report: Another mother was forced to watch her 9-year-old daughter being raped to death, Dakhil shared in a separate account. Yazidis, …

Homosexual Man Who Sodomized a Young Boy Will Only Be Getting Thirteen Years in Prison
A sodomite grabbed a 13-year-old boy, sodomized him, and forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report: The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser John Gannon’s trial and sentencing. Speaking outside the Central Criminal Court on Friday with …

US Marine Calls Pro-Sodomy Bakery to Request Cake with Bible Verse – See What Happens
A US Marine named Robert Mannarino called a pro-homosexual bakery in Florida, Cut the Cake, and requested for a cake with a Bible verse on it, Leviticus 20:13, and the bakery made it quite obvious that they did not want to provide service for the Marine, wanting to charge him …

Donald Trump Supports Russia Entering Syria to Kill off ISIS and Protect Christians from Islamic Terrorists
It is refreshing to see that Trump is the only candidate who is not touting the typical superficial anti-Russia propaganda that America has been hearing for decades. Trump supports Putin entering Syria with Russian military presence, which means that he supports the protecting of Christians, which is what the Russian …

US Marine Rips Down Street Ad of Sodomites Put Up for Children to See
Homosexuals placed up homosexual imagery in plain view sight for children and others to see. Well, one righteous American marine was so nobly angry that he took a rock and smashed it, he then took the disgusting poster and threw it to the street. Here is the video, with my …