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Report: Weapons of Mass Destruction Have Been Smuggled Into Europe: “Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear”
Following the Paris terrorist attack we noted that it was only the beginning and more carnage is coming. While thus far attacks on Western targets have been limited to lone wolves or small groups of individuals using traditional weapons like firearms and improvised explosive devices, a new report from the European Parliament compiled …

Russia’s New ‘Nuclear Torpedo’ Can Create Giant Tsunamis And Wipe Out Entire Coastal Cities
While the eyes of the world are on ISIS, Russia is creating weapons unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Plans for a giant self-propelled nuclear torpedo that can create a giant tsunami more than 1,000 feet tall were recently “leaked by mistake” by the Russian media. Apparently the …

Obama’s Pentagon-Trained Muslim Rebels Betrayed US and Handed Their Weapons Over to Al-Qaeda
Last month, reported leaked documents on how Obama’s $500 million plan to train ‘moderate’ Muslims to combat ISIS forces in Syria was selling out the U.S. and that soon, all the millions of tax dollar-paid weapons will go to Al-Qaeda. As it turned out, we were correct. Pentagon-trained rebels in Syria are …

Comparing Statistics Government Doesn’t Show You in Order to Disarm You
Apparently, the federal government will use any ridiculous statistic to further their agenda of disarming people. With the statistics they provide, is it any wonder that they don’t ban knives, cars and other inanimate objects that people are killed with? A short video from Crush The Street delves into violence …

Senate Bill Would Ban Gun-Free Zones For Military Members
A new Senate bill would address the gun-free zones that many critics blame for worsening a string of shootings against domestic military targets, most recently the Chattanooga shooting which cost the lives of four Marines and one Navy sailor. The bill — which Senator Jerry Moran, a Kansas Republican, plans to introduce …