The Criminal Record of the Star of Project Veritas’ Bernie Sanders Expose Revealed – And It’s Lengthy
Just in case you missed Tuesday’s bombshell Project Veritas’ video, here it is.
After you watch it, or not, we will talk about the Bernie Sanders’ Field Organizer in the video.
Spoiler Alert!
He has quite a history…
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Here’s the video…
The story behind the bombshell is who the guy in the video actually is.
From Right Journalism…
We did a little research and found out that Kyle Jurek has a long police record that includes drug charges back in 2009 and again in 2016.
Jurek was arrested in 2004 on operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
I guess we can call Jurek a model Democrat.
There are some speculations that we don’t have proof that he was arrested again this year.
He was arrested on January 7th, 2020 in Iowa, again. Possession of Narcotics. Arrested on the 8th, again. This time, in Idaho on an outstanding warrant out of Iowa.
I believe they pick him up in Idaho on that outstanding warrant from September 2019 and the new drug arrest in Iowa on January 7th, 2020. He likely bonded out in Iowa then left the state without the judge’s approval. I provided you with all the documents in the article above from my searches of state law enforcement databases I have been able to access. All publicly accessible databases. I couldn’t get any additional info from the Idaho database but the Iowa database is public information.
He sounds like the perfect Bernie employee.
Would it surprise anyone if Bernie actually heeded Jurek’s advice and threw Trump voters in gulags?
Let’s hope we don’t have to find out, but RED is definitely Bernie’s color.
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With Bernie Sanders in The White House we might be lucky if we got gulags instead of guillotines.
A lot of people seem to like Bernie.
What’s not to like?
He hires felons and talks about depopulation.
If he gets the 2020 nomination, his slogan should be “Depopulation Starts With YOU!”
Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison