Until This Supreme Court Is Purged, You Don’t Want Them Weighing In On Any Issue (Video)
“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.” —President Thomas Jefferson
What the American people have seen from this high court over the last 8 decades is, quite frankly, treasonous, as well as treacherous against the very laws that they have sworn to uphold, and this on so many fronts (Psalm 94:20).
Now, we see them come into play, and right on cue, as they cherry pick cases that further the globalist agenda, to weigh in on the vaccine mandates that have been put into motion by that of former President Donald Trump and now treasonous Joe Biden (Luke 22:48).
Most people do not know that all of these measures and policies that Big Pharma, Western Medicine, the CDC, The WHO, The NIH, etc. are attempting to force upon the people are completely unconstitutional. So, why is the Supreme Court being called upon to weigh in on these issues?
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Why are these said justices sounding more like henchmen/women of these companies than those who are upholding constitutional law in serving the American people?
Why were these said justices (Sotomayor, Kagan) spewing forth false data, just like Trump, Biden, Gates, Fauci, etc., when hitting this very topic (John 8:44)?
Friends, consider the source when it comes to the current state of this Supreme Court because they are tearing down the very laws that they are to uphold (1 John 3:4).
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.