Violence Is NOT Always Wrong! (Video)
Do good people want peace? Absolutely! However, in our time, just as in the time of our founding, violence erupts. Many today are claiming the violence never solves anything and is never right. That just is not true! There are times when violence is actually good.
When you are put in the position of defending yourself or your family or even an innocent stranger and you are forced to used violence, that is a good thing, not a bad thing.
When tyrants have been dealt with down through history, it has always been through the use of violence.
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In this short commentary, Pastor Matt Trewhella, author of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
, speaks on this topic.
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Citing men from history such as author of Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan
to Reformer Ulrich Zwingli
to Jesus Christ, Trewhella points out that violence is nothing more than a tool, which can be used for good or evil.
The question that we must ask ourselves today in America is this: What is the motive for the violence that will be engaged in today? Is it for fleshly lusts and gain or is if in the cause of freedom, liberty, law and justice? Is it to protect the innocent and bring the guilty to justice or is it to protect the guilty and punish the innocent.
Christ drove the moneychangers from the Temple because they were violating the law of God and taking advantage of others through unjust weights and measurements. Our forefathers face an onslaught of violence against their God-given rights, but they returned that evil violence in a War for Independence to establish the law, justice and peace.
Christian Pastor to Wisconsin Committee on Article V: “Your Duty is Interposition! Stop Taking the Money!”
Be encouraged and challenged by the words of Pastor Trewhella and read more from him at
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media