Was Bomb Mailer Cesar Sayoc A Leftist Operative?
Projection – the act of accusing an adversary of engaging in untoward behavior in which one is actually engaging themselves – has been rampant in recent months on the part of leftist operatives. While these have engaged in incivility, purveyed incendiary rhetoric, displayed fascistic tendencies and called for violence against their political opponents, they have repeatedly accused President Donald Trump, his surrogates and supporters of the very same actions.
Projection has been a go-to tactic of leftists for decades, but its use has increased exponentially in recent months, probably due to the left’s almost palpable desperation.
Following a nationwide manhunt, on Friday federal authorities arrested 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc, a Florida man accused of sending explosive devices to prominent Democrats and critics of President Trump. Even prior to Sayoc’s capture, one could almost feel the anticipation of those on the left in the air, particularly the establishment press: The perpetrator was going to be found to be a Trump supporter, and they would exploit this fact to the nth degree.
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As it happened, the evidence gleaned following Sayoc’s arrest suggested that he was, in fact, a very vocal Trump supporter and a registered Republican. Bear in mind that I used the term “suggested.” Immediately, the left began to exploit this apparent connection. Obviously, Sayoc’s actions had their genesis in Trump’s incivility, incendiary rhetoric, fascistic tendencies and calls for violence, as well as reflecting the general temperament of all who support Trump. Thus, the president should probably be removed from office and his supporters carted off to re-education camps forthwith.
The press and the left have made great efforts to similarly exploit Saturday’s mass shooting in Pittsburgh, in which gunman Robert Bowers, 46, burst into a synagogue and opened fire during a Shabbat service, killing 11 and wounding several others. Their characterization of Bowers has even less teeth than that of Sayoc, since the former is actually a Trump detractor and largely comes across as a violent, bigoted moron.
The rational individual, of course, knows that no one is sufficiently impressionable that they could be driven to mail bombs to other people solely on the basis of a prominent public figure’s oratory, and that individuals are ultimately responsible for their own actions.
But we are dealing with the political left, and they are not rational.
On June 14, 2017, in Alexandria, Virginia, Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana was shot and seriously injured while practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game. No one suggested that the shooter – James Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist from Illinois – had been driven to his actions solely due to the incendiary rhetoric of prominent left-wing figures, despite the fact that such rhetoric was being bandied about in great volume at the time.
There are also several aspects of Sayoc’s background and alleged crimes that give rise to incredulity and appear somewhat inconsistent for a dedicated Trump supporter, including amateurish construction of the explosive devices, Sayoc’s invisible (or at least limited) means of support and sketchy accounts from some of the ostensible targets.
Following these and other fishy facts revealed after Sayoc’s arrest, social media chatter immediately ensued, with rank-and-file conservatives postulating that the would-be bomber might be a leftist operative attempting to sow widespread fear of President Trump and his followers.
If one is motivated enough to do the research – or to consult my archive on related events – one will discover that there are distinct similarities between the backgrounds of Cesar Sayoc, James Holmes (the Aurora, Colorado, theater shooter), Adam Lanza (the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter) and Aaron Alexis (the Washington, D.C., Naval Yard shooter). All but one were “fringe” elements and, though it was not widely reported, all of these individuals had direct or tangential ties to agencies that, it could be argued or deduced, had the capacity to recognize these men as marginalized and potentially unbalanced, and to subtly manipulate them into carrying out acts of violence.
As it happens, my knowledge of psychology surpasses what my formal education would suggest. I know that it is far easier to influence an individual utilizing mind control techniques than the average person might surmise, and that the methods available to clandestine agencies are far more sophisticated than most people know. It’s even easier if that person is mentally or emotionally compromised, and easier still if they are predisposed to such action.
Aaron Alexis was actually a civilian contractor for the Navy and a former Navy petty officer who may have had some knowledge on the subject. It is a matter of public record that he suspected he was being manipulated through state-of-the-art mind control techniques. We will probably never know whether his suspicions were paranoia or something far more sinister.
The three mass shootings I mentioned all occurred during a time when the Obama administration was vigorously stumping for harsher gun control measures, so the motivation for these being staged incidents (in theory) is obvious. There were several other suspicious phenomena that tied those shootings together, such as circumstantial evidence that some involved crisis actors, which would be indicative of staged events.
If we wound up discovering that Cesar Sayoc was an unbalanced right-winger groomed for his role by leftist operatives, or simply a leftist operative himself, it should not be at all surprising given the boundless duplicity of the left and their aforementioned level of desperation.
Article posted with permission from Erik Rush