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Was Kamala a Feminist or a Rape Enabler?

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Sexual assaults rose 64% when she was California Attorney General

VP Kamala Harris is running as a feminist. She claims that she became a prosecutor to protect women and girls from sexual assault.

But research published in ‘The Truth About Kamala’, our latest ebook, shows that sexual assaults soared in California during her time as Attorney General.

These shocking numbers were part of a larger crime wave unleashed by pro-crime policies in the state.

And Kamala had a significant role in enabling those policies.

In 2010, when Kamala first ran for attorney general, there had been 8,325 rapes in the state. By 2016, when Kamala was fighting to take Sen. Barbara Boxer’s seat, there were 13,695 rapes.

This was not a 10% increase, but a shocking 64% increase.

Proposition 57, one of the pro-crime propositions that ended public safety in the state backed by key donors who would prove crucial to her political career, offered a painfully stark choice.

The pro-crime proposition granted early release for criminals convicted of a crime not officially listed as a “violent felony.” That included not only many violent criminals, but also some rapists who committed different kinds of sexual assaults including ‘rape with a foreign object’.

Attorney General Harris had become notorious for abusing her position to write heavily distorted summaries for pro-crime propositions. And Proposition 57 was no different. The debate over Prop 57 provided Kamala the opportunity to stand with her pro-crime backers or with women.

And Kamala chose the pro-crime movement over abused women and girls.

“Is rape a violent crime? AG Kamala Harris offers two definitions,” a Sacramento Bee column noted.

“Why is Kamala Harris working to provide early release for rapists as more women have been raped in the past year?” Rep. Loretta Sanchez, her Democrat opponent in the Senate race, demanded. “It is outrageous that someone convicted of raping an unconscious woman would be considered non-violent and considered for early release. As a former sexual assault prosecutor she should know that rape is rape, there is not other way to describe it.”

Learn more about Kamala’s impact on women and girls, on California and on America in The Truth About Kamala which is available from the Freedom Center’s digital store.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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