As Americans Wait For $2,000 Checks, Biden Has No Problem Bypassing Congress to Bomb Syria
In her first interview after her defeat in the 2016 presidential election by Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton called on the United States to bomb Syria. Only hours later, in lock step with his formal alleged ‘rival,’ Trump sent 59 Tomahawk missiles hurling into Al-Shayrat air base in Homs, Syria using two US Navy destroyers. This illegal act of war was carried out in less than three months into his presidency on April 4, 2017.
This strike came with zero approval from Congress, zero investigation into the alleged crimes of Assad, and, in spite of Trump’s longstanding history standing against US meddling in Syria.
In true war hawk fashion — following in the footsteps of his predecessor — President Joe Biden, in less than two months into his presidency, launched an airstrike in the same country. Like Trump before him, Biden carried out this act of war with absolutely zero Congressional approval and, according to several sources, without evidence.
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Naturally, every mainstream outlet in the country began running with the same narrative handed down to them from the Washington. This was in spite of any clear connection.
These strikes are unconstitutional and dangerous. There’s no general authority for a president to launch airstrikes, and President Biden hasn’t claimed they were necessary to stop an imminent attack. Our Constitution demands he get approval from the representatives of the people.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) February 26, 2021
Just like Trump did during Obama’s presidency, during Trump’s presidency, Biden decried Trump’s foreign policy only to get into office and march in lockstep with the US war machine.
If Biden could take his own advice on this one, that would be great…
— Rachel Blevins (@RachBlevins) February 26, 2021
As Dave DeCamp writes for
According to Reuters, the US bombed a structure in Syria belonging to what it described as an “Iran-backed militia.” Two anonymous US officials told Reuters that the attack was approved by President Biden.
The airstrike is being presented as retaliation for recent rocket attacks in Iraq, including one in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, that killed a contractor. The US often blames these types of attacks on Iran-aligned groups, but there are many forces inside Iraq that have their own reasons to fire on the US.
Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi Shia militia aligned with Iran, denied any role in the Erbil attack. With Iran seeking sanctions relief from the new administration, orchestrating such an attack does not seem to be in their interest.
The Biden administration has yet to publicly attribute blame for the Erbil attack, but US media outlets were quick to blame the incident on Iran despite a lack of evidence.
“Don’t concede the point that whoever Biden just bombed in Syria had anything to do with recent rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq. Plenty of Iraqis have their own reasons to fire on the US. How would you feel about an occupying force that’s been bombing your country for 30 years?” DeCamp Tweeted.
It wasn’t just Biden who decried Trump when he was at the helm of the US war Machine either, Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki, also decried it.
You should ask yourself this question at the press conference today.
— Matt Agorist (@MattAgorist) February 26, 2021
To those paying attention, Biden’s actions on Thursday were entirely predictable. His supporters, however, are now a bit confused.
So, @JoeBiden bombs Syria and kills the minimum wage hike, confirming every fear progressives had. Soon they'll renege on getting $2000 checks to everyone in the middle class by limiting who gets it (to appease their donors). The establishment is back! And it absolutely sucks.
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) February 26, 2021
Biden promised to forgive their student loans, hand out $2,000 stimulus checks, raise minimum wage, get the kids out of cages, and help America heal after four years of Orange man bad. Instead, however, he is continuing the wars in the Middle East, bolstering the police state, and giving billions to the military industrial complex. Oh, and kids are still in cages.
The $2,000 checks are going to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin instead of those who need them, and you should have seen it coming.
In the land of the free, war is the common ground on which the partisans find resolve.
Unfortunately, the masses are so easily distracted and manipulated into fearing whatever boogieman the state throws at them like COVID, the ‘insurrection’, Antifa, defunding the police, or Trump 2024. This fear and distraction, in turn, feeds the military industrial complex while laying waste to human rights — both abroad and domestically. But the masses typically do not care as long as war is elsewhere and as long as the new war machine comes peeled off those MAGA stickers and replaced them with BLM and LGBTQ+ stickers.
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist