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I have written and spoken on numerous occasions about the antichrist nature of Donald Trump.  He has been called the “Second Coming of God” and “The King of Jerusalem.”  Many have tried to justify their support for him by saying he is like King Cyrus of the Bible.  Nothing could …

And here it comes again… in the name of “anti-semitism.”  Facebook is ramping up its censorship facing pressure from Zionists. Kit Klarenberg reports: On July 10, it was announced that social media giant Meta would broaden the scope of its censorship and suppression of content related to the Gaza genocide. Under the …

A good start. The good news is that at least some of the radicals plotting to block roads are facing consequences. The bad news is that it’s happening in the UK, not in America, where there are still light gentle slaps on wrists being dispensed by leftists to their fellow leftists who …

As exchanges of fire between Israel and Hezbollah along the Lebanon border have increased, so have the threats of a further and more expanded war.  Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has threatened Hezbollah with a potential ground invasion of Lebanon that would be “quick, surprising, and sharp.” Israel’s military and …

A leading medical journal called the Lancet says that the “indirect deaths” of Palestinians in Gaza from Israel’s destruction of civilian infrastructure would far exceed those killed directly by the bombing and war efforts. The Lancet claimed that Indirect deaths due to the war could be anywhere between 149,000 and 598,000 Palestinian deaths …

And this is why the People must awake, rise up and deliver justice against these tyrants, who sell their own people out for filthy lucre!  Yet, an Australian judge, who dismissed a COVID shot lawsuit concealed that Pfizer paid her to represent them. Rebekah Barnett reports: The impartiality of the …

We have covered the issue of chemtrails for some time now.  In fact, we know they claim to use them to control rain and such, but we also know they are using them to poison us and the ground we grow our food in.  In a recent substack post, Dr. …

The defense minister of Israel has approved the conscription of members of the ultra-orthodox Jewish community starting next month. So far, members of the religious sect have been exempt from being forced to fight for Israel’s ruling class. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a plan to begin drafting …

Despite Elon Musk branding himself as a “free speech absolutist”, since purchasing the social media platform it has not shied away from censoring whom it pleases. Now they’re realigning with pro-censorship groups. We have warned many times that people should not trust Elon Musk.  While he has uttered words about …

Another of the silver linings in the CONvid-1984 that we just went through is that many people began to learn that most healthcare providers are not really interested in getting at the root of health problems and bringing about solutions for good health.  Rather, we learned that many got big …