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Things are about to get very interesting in the Middle East.  The Israeli strike on Iran that we have been anticipating has finally happened, and now Iran is warning that there will be “no limits” in how it responds to that attack.  In other words, we are on the brink …

This has been going on for years in the European Union and since the CONvids started, it’s been taking place in virtually every country on earth.  The attacks on free speech and questioning the official, lying narrative have been brutal.  It has led to beatings, imprisonment, malignment, and public attacks.  …

Tommy Robinson is a household name in England and in several parts of the world.  Tommy has come on The Sons of Liberty to expound on what he sees taking place in his home country and has been boldly speaking out on it for years.  Now, the UK government has …

UNITED NATIONS — Governments and dictators from around the world gathered in New York City for the UN Summit of the Future on September 22 and adopted a sprawling agreement to expand and further empower the United Nations. The controversial declaration approved by the UN General Assembly, known as the …

Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko said on Wednesday that both United States presidential candidates are “idiots.” Neither would ever have the possibility of an election in Belarus or Russia, he added, meaning the American people are being played to choose an imbecile. The winner has already been selected anyway, and much …

On October 23, 2024, Tom DiLorenzo appeared NOW with Stacy Washington, to explain how the Chinese Communist Party is imitating what the Federal Reserve did in the early 2000s. The original episode is available on Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin …

If China makes a move on Taiwan, what happens in Ukraine could shape the outcome of that war. On the one hand, this story is coming out of South Korea’s spy agency. And like a lot of stories about Ukraine, it should be taken with a grain of salt. On …

Laleh Saati is in grave danger. Shi’ite Islam, like Sunni Islam, prescribes the death penalty for apostasy: Shaykh al-Kulayni narrates a sahíh (correct) hadith from `Ammãr as-Sãbãti who said: I heard (Imam) Abu `Abdullãh (as-Sãdiq) (a.s.) saying, “A Muslim from among the Muslims who renounces Islam and rejects the prophethood …

Can you imagine what a full-blown war between Israel and Iran would look like?  We are literally on the verge of an apocalyptic war in the Middle East, but it isn’t getting much attention in the western world because everyone is so focused on the upcoming U.S. presidential election.  I …

Yes, remember when we were talking about all of this and warning the people while bought-and-paid-for, self-appointed “fact checkers” claimed it was fake news that abortifacients and sterilizing components have been used in vaccines for years.  Well, now, Japanese scientists are speaking up and saying that Bill Gates’, one of …