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There sure has been plenty of chaos during this election season, hasn’t there?  Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race is a nightmare scenario for Democrats, Republicans and the country as a whole.  First of all, if the Democrats pick Kamala Harris she will be the worst major …

The latest draft of the new Republican Party platform at the national level significantly scales back the GOP’s historic opposition to abortion and homosexual so-called “marriage,” angering pro-life and pro-family forces across the nation as the party appears to be throwing social conservatism under the bus. Several high-profile conservatives are …

It’s good news if the people keep their word and their oath to God and the People to ONLY write legislation and spend money on that which they are authorized.  Nevertheless, the Freedom Caucus is making strides across the US and especially in South Carolina. Investigative journalist Alex Newman reports …

Michigan state Senator Jim Runestad is furious today after Democrats pass a new bill that changes 70-year-old law, and prevents the Board of Canvassers from investigating election fraud. The Democrats have stripped 70-year-old provisions to stop fraud. They are guilty. And they mean to legislate and legalize their election fraud …

Editor’s Note: Where did the criminals in DC get the authority to steal our money and send it to a foreign nation?  It isn’t in Article I, I know that!  Yet, here they are doing it again and the American People allow them to commit these crimes against them. The …

And despite the evidence, the alleged “Republican do-nothings” will only use it for political aggrandizement and election propaganda.  Leaving off justice in the US is what is destroying us from within.  Yet, the smoking gun is in the hand of Congress that was found in the usurper/sniffer-in-chief’s dirty paws. The …

Grading Methodology for a Candidate’s Second Amendment Stance Alabama’s candidates are graded based on their previous 2A voting records, public statements on their constituents owning firearms, and their willingness to focus on 2A issues. Given our research on this criteria, we’ve assigned the following grades to those running for office: …

Grading Methodology for a Candidate’s Second Amendment Stance Illinois’ candidates are graded based on their previous 2A voting records, public statements on their constituents owning firearms, and their willingness to focus on 2A issues. Given our research on these criteria, we’ve assigned the following grades to those running for office: …