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Former Constable Gary Waterman joins me for another incredible expose of his investigation into bank fraud, which has provided some interesting ties to corporations and individuals around the world and those ties link not only to adrenochrome and child trafficking but also to directed energy weapons. Download Gary’s Files – …

Oh, how the lawless abound on every side!  One among a plethora of reasons that Kamala Harris should not be allowed anywhere near a government position.  Yet, people are acting as if she should. Tyler Durden has the story on the funny money “massive money laundering operation” concerning ActBlue. Democrat …

Yellowstone’s Biscuit Basin has exploded as a result of underground hydrothermal activity, which is “relatively common” according to geologists. The explosion, however, sent tourists running as rocks and debris rained down on the boardwalk. “At around 10:00 AM MST on July 23, 2024, a small hydrothermal explosion occurred in Yellowstone …

If you are still able to afford a decent home, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed, because vast numbers of Americans do not have a permanent place to live at this point.  Homelessness in the United States is at the highest level ever recorded, and it has been growing …

And here we go!  The Health Ranger Mike Adams recently conducted an audio analysis to determine three shooters at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania.  However, he claims there is zero evidence that Mathew Crooks fired a single shot.  My guess, as it was from day one, it was all staged …

U.S. support for Israel’s genocide against Palestine is rooted not only in campaign financing but in other factors, including a rigid ideology stuck in the shadow of World War II, writes Joe Lauria. Want to see who means to rule over you?  Find out who you cannot speak about.  With …

Filmmaker David Rosler presents a story based on real life accounts, and he joins me in this episode to talk about it and how people can support the project which is nearing completion after massive amounts of censorship. During the blizzards in 1944 Northern Germany, during the Battle of the …

Those behind COVID and criminal U.S. government-funded “gain of function” research—much of it in Communist China—must be exposed and punished to save humanity. The infamous invisible enemy (COVID19) that allowed governments to cause so much death and destruction was actually the fruit of U.S. government-funded “gain of function” research—much of …

These are the sorts of headlines we can expect from a newspaper owned and controlled by one of the world’s richest individuals. In 2013, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos (whose net worth far exceeds $200 billion, according to Forbes’ real-time billionaire list)  bought the Washington Post and turned it into a vehicle …

Author David Rissealada from joins me in this episode to provide insight into the latest false flag “assassination attempt” and how it is right on cue with what Communists do and what they have said they would do to take over America. This is a wake up call! Visit …