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Constitution & Law

Manchin & Welch Propose Amendment To Limit Terms Of Supreme Court Justices
Does the united States really need term limits for members of the Supreme Court? Before answering that question, please read the Constitution for the united States of America in its entirety, paying close attention to Article I and Article III. The Epoch Times reported that Sens. Peter Welch (D-VT) and …

Constitutional Sheriffs CAN Protect Liberty In A Kamala Harris Presidency Or Any Other (Video)
Sheriffs in the various counties of the Union hold the highest elected law-enforcing office in the county. While many sheriffs have no idea what being a constitutional sheriff encompasses, there are many who do. Can they protect the liberty of the people should the disqualified Kamala Harris be installed to …

May Illegal Aliens Vote?
There is much speculation and talk about why so many illegals are being allowed to enter our country, and that one aspect may have to do with building a base of voters, more so for the democratic party. In 2021, the White House announced Executive Order (EO) 14019, Promoting Access …

Is America Really Based On ‘A Failed Historical Model’?
Virtually every week there is some news item about the war on America’s founding ideals. In Concord, Massachusetts, on April 19, 1775, the “shot heard round the world” rang out, which marked the very beginning of the American War for Independence. But, syndicated columnist Don Feder notes, that town recently “removed …

Balanced Budget & Term Limit Resolutions
On March 1, 2024, the Senate Judiciary & Rules Committee (SJRC) voted to send SCR 114 and SCR 115 to the floor for a vote. SCR 114 addresses Term Limits, and SCR 115 addresses a Balanced Budget amendment (BBA). Both resolutions include the language “call a convention” or “calling of …

13 Forgotten & Ignored Words In The Second Amendment That You Need To Embrace & Live
I have been shouting this message from the housetops for years. Why do Second Amendment organizations rare, if ever, touch on the first part of the Second Amendment? I’ll tell you why, it’s because they are only interested in preserving their organization and keeping their jobs, not truly defending the …

The Constitution Guarantees Texas (Or Any State) Federal Protection From Invasion & The Right To Defend Against Invasion
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. -Article IV, Section 4 US Constitution No …

Constitutional Q&A: American Community Survey (2023)
The Rutherford Institute is sounding a renewed warning against efforts by the government to amass extensive, sensitive private information about individual citizens and their households through its mandatory American Community Survey (ACS). Rutherford Institute attorneys have also formally lodged concerns over a proposal by the U.S. Census Bureau to expand the already …

If the Fed Goes, The State Will Soon Follow
I have warned and warned and warned about the Federal Reserve and the counterfeit, fiat, paper money they produce to enslave the population and steal our heritage. All of it is in violation of both the Bible and the Constitution’s provision that only gold and silver are real money. If …

State Elections: Nullifying Tyranny At The State Line
While the whole world focuses on presidential politics for obvious reasons, state and local elections could not be more important. In fact, the future of your family and freedom may very well hinge in large part on who is elected to your state legislature and your city and county governments …