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Everything about the entire “climate change” narrative is fake!  Fake little Sweedish girls promoting lies about the climate, fake science, fake summits and the like are all pushing not only a fear narrative (Remember, the earth abides forever; Ecclesiastes 1:4), but the entire approach is about enslaving people to this …

BAKU, Azerbaijan — Indoctrinating children to believe in the man-made global warming hypothesis and teaching them to see the United Nations as the solution to that alleged problem is once again taking center stage at this year’s annual UN “climate” summit. UN leaders say global testing of children to ensure …

Well, you know that the response is not going to be publicly accepted but she gave it anyway and continued to advance the lies and hoax of global warming and “climate change” in the midst of answering a question about accountability for the CONvid-1984.  Yes, WHO Director of Environment, Climate …

BAKU, Azerbaijan — The top official hosting the 29th annual United Nations “climate change” conference was caught on a secret recording trying to make gas deals with a fake Chinese investor, causing outrage among climate alarmists at the UN summit. One leading UN climate figure called it “treason” to the …

The United States is incapable of ceasing the advancement of war. The ruling class has now attacked what it called “Iranian targets” within Syria. If this continues, we will see a third world war. Eventually, those countries being bombed will fight back against the aggression of the U.S. military-industrial complex. …

A discovery of absolutely epic proportions has just been revealed, but the corporate media in the United States almost entirely ignored it.  A team of scientists led by Dr. Irving Finkel has deciphered the oldest map in the world, and we are being told that it actually reveals the location …

The United Kingdom is doubling down on its censorship and those who dissent from the official narrative. Proving it doesn’t value free speech, the UK has fined a “conspiracy theorist” $58,000 for the crime of speculating that the Manchester Arena bombing was staged. Two survivors of the 2017 Manchester Arena …

Now that Donald Trump has won the election, he is going to have to deal with Vladimir Putin and Russia, and that isn’t going to be easy.  The Russians have no incentive to end the conflict because they are steadily gobbling up territory in eastern Ukraine.  As long as the …

The ruler-elect, Donald Trump, has vowed to remove financial and military backing for Ukraine. Some Ukrainian rulers are even afraid that the war is going to have to end as support wanes in the United States. Trump has previously threatened to end the financial backing of Kiev, putting them in …

The United States military-industrial complex has stated that it is ready to support South Korea with nuclear weapons. The Pentagon and Seoul have “an unequivocal nuclear-based alliance,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said. “I assured Minister Kim today that the United States remains fully committed to the defense of …